I have just become aware that FamilySearch.org makes a distinction between
the "...cia" and the "...sia" forms of this name. It is my impression that
these names are interchangeable. The first "c" is sometimes an "s", but
that passes the "exact spelling:off" screen, but not the second "c" or "s".
Basically, that means one has to look-up both forms of the name when
nosotros cuando trabajemos en familyseach debemos estar concientes de que
se hizo un esfuerzo para esta base de datos tan grande, y que existen
erores den faltas de ortografia en su palegrafia, (leer textos Antiguos) por
eso debemos de rentar los film y checar a nuestros ancestros
familyseach work in us when we should be aware that an effort was made to
the database so huge and there are spelling errors in your palegrafia (read
ancient texts) that's why we need to rent the film and check out our
2009/7/12 Raquel Ruiz
> I have just become aware that FamilySearch.org makes a distinction between
> the "...cia" and the "...sia" forms of this name. It is my impression that
> these names are interchangeable. The first "c" is sometimes an "s", but
> that passes the "exact spelling:off" screen, but not the second "c" or "s".
> Basically, that means one has to look-up both forms of the name when
> researching.
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I wasn't complaining, just noting this for those who are researching this
name. Its just something I hadn't realized before and thought it might be
helpful to others.
No estaba quejandose del FamilySearch, no mas estaba anotandolo por otros
que esten investigando este apellido. No me daba cuenta de esto antes y
pense que pueda ser util a otros.
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no lo tome como queja , en el caso mio, en los libros de la igesia catolico
encuentro Baldes Cuando siembre a sido valdes, estos errores tambien fueron
de las notarias de las iglesias, aunque los buscadores de famliysearch y
todos en el mundo tienen trucos,por ejemplo tengo un tio de nombre Macario y
escrito asi no sale, pero si lo escribe MaCario si sale
de todas maneras perdon
do not take it as a complaint in the case of mine, in the books of the
Catholic igesia meeting Bucket When a sow was valdes, these errors were also
notaries of the church, but seekers famliysearch in the world and all have
tricks, eg I have an uncle named Macario and not well written out, but if
you write if you leave Macario
anyway perdon
2009/7/12 Raquel Ruiz
> I wasn't complaining, just noting this for those who are researching this
> name. Its just something I hadn't realized before and thought it might be
> helpful to others.
> No estaba quejandose del FamilySearch, no mas estaba anotandolo por otros
> que esten investigando este apellido. No me daba cuenta de esto antes y
> pense que pueda ser util a otros.
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Placencia, Placensia