I was able to get a copy of my maternal grandfather's
(Telesforo Valades Cruz) baptismal certificate. He was born Jan. 5, 1866 and baptized at El Senor Del Encino Parish on the same day. The certificate gives the names of his parents: Guillermo Valades and Maria Del Refugio Cruz. It also gives the names of his paternal and maternal grandparents. His paternal grandparents were Manuel Valades and Ciriaca Marchan. His maternal grandparents were Macsimo Cruz and Maria Gertrudis Segovia. I wanted to pass on this information in case anyone else was doing any research on these names.
Where is señor del Encino Parish? your search finish on this names? L.Reynoso
> To: research@lists.nuestrosranchos.org
> From: mendozafowler@yahoo.com
> Date: Thu, 18 Mar 2010 16:42:08 -0700
> Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Update on my researchl
> I was able to get a copy of my maternal grandfather's
> (Telesforo Valades Cruz) baptismal certificate. He was born Jan. 5, 1866 and baptized at El Senor Del Encino Parish on the same day. The certificate gives the names of his parents: Guillermo Valades and Maria Del Refugio Cruz. It also gives the names of his paternal and maternal grandparents. His paternal grandparents were Manuel Valades and Ciriaca Marchan. His maternal grandparents were Macsimo Cruz and Maria Gertrudis Segovia. I wanted to pass on this information in case anyone else was doing any research on these names.
> Maria
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Leticia, this church is located in Aguascalientes.
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Here is some possible info. on Maria del Refugio Cruz:
NameBirth or ChristeningDeath or BurialSpouseParents
Ma. Mucia Del Refugio Cruz
[image: Four Stars]13 May 1832
El Sagrario,Aguascalientes,Aguascalientes,Mexico
Maximo Cruz
Gertrudis Segovia
Source type: Other, Media type: Microfilm, Repository name: Family History
Library, Repository address: 35 N West Temple Street, Repository city: Salt
Lake City, Repository state: UT, Repository country: USA, Repository postal
code: 84150, Call number: 0299468, Event date: , Sheet number: 00, Reference
number: 0299468, Batch number: C604813, Serial number: 01651, Place: El
Sagrario, Aguascalientes, Ags County, Mexico, Time period: 1831-1832,
Contributor: EXTRACTION, Contributor of repository: FCH
This might be a sister:
Serapiona Cruz Zegovia
[image: Four Stars]18 November 1837
El Sagrario,Aguascalientes,Aguascalientes,Mexico
Macsimo Cruz
Gertrudis Zegovia
Source type: Other, Media type: Microfilm, Repository name: Family History
Library, Repository address: 35 N West Temple Street, Repository city: Salt
Lake City, Repository state: UT, Repository country: USA, Repository postal
code: 84150, Call number: 0299470, Event date: , Sheet number: 00, Reference
number: 0299470, Batch number: K604815, Serial number: 01878, Place: El
Sagrario, Aguascalientes, Ags County, Mexico, Time period: 1835-1837,
Contributor: EXTRACTION, Contributor of repository: FCH
And this might be the marriage of their parents look at the información
matrimonial as well as the marriage record for additional information:
Maximo Cruz
[image: Four Stars]
Maria Gertrudis Segobia
18 February 1827
El Sagrario,Aguascalientes,Aguascalientes,MexicoSource type: Other, Media
type: Microfilm, Repository name: Family History Library, Repository
address: 35 N West Temple Street, Repository city: Salt Lake City,
Repository state: UT, Repository country: USA, Repository postal code:
84150, Call number: NONE, Event date: , Sheet number: 00, Reference number:
NONE, Batch number: M604861, Serial number: 01493, Place: El Sagrario,
Aguascalientes, Ags County, Mexico, Time period: 1823-1829, Contributor:
EXTRACTION, Contributor of repository: FCH
Saludos desde Lago Salado (Salt Lake City, Utah)
Eduardo H Seoane
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Update on my researchl