Beatriz Vasquez Retamosa

I am looking for the father of Beatriz Vasquez Retamosa, who married
Juan Rodriguez de Chavarria on 6 March 1618 in Aguascalientes,
through a dispensa I found out Beatriz was daughter of Catalina
Macias Valadez who was a daughter Nicolas Macias Valadez and
Leonor Vasquez Retamosa. (This is where the maternal name passes
to Beatriz). The dispensa however does not mention Catalina's
husband who is the father of Beatriz Vasquez Retamosa.


I hope some of this helps, maybe you'll luck out with a dispensa for
cosanguinidad. Did you find their record of Información Matrimonial? Maybe
the father is listed there, as the one presenting her or the father is
mentioned, or one of his siblings is a witness (testigo), if you cannot find
the father at least you'll be able to continue the line back further through
the sibling. How about testamentos (wills), have you looked at those yet?
You might also like to look at mortgaging and or conveying of water rights
and land. These normally tell from whom individuals aquired the land or
water that they are selling or mortgaging. Well, good luck

You have probably looked at the following records? If not I would take a
look to see if they list Abuelos Paternos/Maternos; it's doubtful for that
time period.

Espero que algo de esto te ayude, a lo mejor tienes suerte con una dispensa
de cosanguinity. ¿Ha encontrado el récord de Información Matrimonial de
Beatriz? Tal vez el padre es la persona haciendo la presentación de ella, o
el padre es mencionado, o uno de sus hermanos es un testigo (testigo), asi
por lo menos podrá seguir la línea el padre a través de el hermano. ¿Ya
revisaste los testamentos? También a lo mejor le gustaria mirar las
hipotecas y / o traspaso de los derechos de aguas y tierras. Estos
normalmente indican de cual individuo las personas adquirieron la tierra o
el agua que están vendiendo o hipotecando. Bueno, buena suerte

Usted probablemente miró a los siguientes registros? Si no, a lo mejor le
gustaría ver si estan listados los Abuelos Maternos/ Paternos, es dudable
para ese período.

Getrudis Rodrigues
[image: Two Stars]
18 September 1624
El Sagrario,Aguascalientes,Aguascalientes,Mexico
Cristobal Tiscareno

Juan Rodriguez-De-Chavarria
Beatriz Retamosa

Source type: Other, Media type: Microfilm, Repository name: Family History
Library, Repository address: 35 N West Temple Street, Repository city: Salt
Lake City, Repository state: UT, Repository country: USA, Repository postal
code: 84150, Call number: 0299421, Event date: , Sheet number: 00, Reference
number: 0299421, Batch number: C604761, Serial number: 00392, Place: El
Sagrario, Aguascalientes, Ags County, Mexico, Time period: 1616-1660,
Contributor: EXTRACTION, Contributor of repository: FCH
Mariana Chavarri Retamosa
[image: Two Stars] 29 October 1620
El Sagrario,Aguascalientes,Aguascalientes,Mexico

Jn. Rodrigues Chabaria
Beatriz Retamosa
Source type: Other, Media type: Microfilm, Repository name: Family History
Library, Repository address: 35 N West Temple Street, Repository city: Salt
Lake City, Repository state: UT, Repository country: USA, Repository postal
code: 84150, Call number: 0299421, Event date: , Sheet number: 00, Reference
number: 0299421, Batch number: C604761, Serial number: 00212, Place: El
Sagrario, Aguascalientes, Ags County, Mexico, Time period: 1616-1660,
Contributor: EXTRACTION, Contributor of repository: FCH

Maria Chavarria Retamosa
[image: Two Stars] 29 September 1619
El Sagrario,Aguascalientes,Aguascalientes,Mexico

Jn. Rodrigues Chabaria
Beatriz Retamosa

Source type: Other, Media type: Microfilm, Repository name: Family History
Library, Repository address: 35 N West Temple Street, Repository city: Salt
Lake City, Repository state: UT, Repository country: USA, Repository postal
code: 84150, Call number: 0299421, Event date: , Sheet number: 00, Reference
number: 0299421, Batch number: C604761, Serial number: 00168, Place: El
Sagrario, Aguascalientes, Ags County, Mexico, Time period: 1616-1660,
Contributor: EXTRACTION, Contributor of repository: FCH

Did Beatriz re-marry? This might be a different Beatris?

Franco. Marthel Retamosa
[image: Two Stars] 12 October 1635
El Sagrario,Aguascalientes,Aguascalientes,Mexico

Herdo. Marthel
Beatris De Retamosa
Source type: Other, Media type: Microfilm, Repository name: Family History
Library, Repository address: 35 N West Temple Street, Repository city: Salt
Lake City, Repository state: UT, Repository country: USA, Repository postal
code: 84150, Call number: 0299421, Event date: , Sheet number: 00, Reference
number: 0299421, Batch number: C604761, Serial number: 00609, Place: El
Sagrario, Aguascalientes, Ags County, Mexico, Time period: 1616-1660,
Contributor: EXTRACTION, Contributor of repository: FCH

Saludos desde Lago Salado, (Greetings from Salt Lake City, Utah)
Eduardo H Seoane