To John Gonzalez re Geneanet

Surname: GONZALEZ - Place: ZacatecasOnline Family TreeCollaborative Data46 resultsArchiveOriginal Records & Transcripts hosted by GeneaNetNo results found!LibraryDigitized Books, Magazines and Roll of Arms2 resultsOther SourceIndexes, Misc Online Data, etc.26 results

John, I found the above results for trees and Misc Online Data in Geneanet for Gonzalez surname. Didn't you say that you didn't find anything on Gonzalez in Geneanet? You have to enter the surname AND a place, then scroll down past a long blank space to the bottom to see the results.

When I typed in "Jalisco" as the place, I found hundreds of trees and other resources for Gonzalez.

Port Orchard, WA