Voluntarios para indexacion

Quiero participar!... hagame saber como.

Is it possible to index from the area we are researching, or is it random?

In reply to by coronaarechiga

The way the indexing project will work is that at first there will be 10
or so projects within Jalisco, Zacatecas y/o Aguascalientes for us to
index. If we prove we are dedicated to the project then more and more
projects within Jalisco, Zacatecas y/o Aguascalientes will be made
available. Eventually to some degree I think we'll be able to find
projects for us to work on that are within our specific area of research
but that all depends on how well we do. Join the indexing and help us
move this forward.

El modo que el proyecto de indexacion trabaja es que al primero nomas
vamos a tener casi 10 proyectos en Jalisco, Zacatecas y/o
Aguascalientes. Si trabajamos bien en esto mas y mas proyectos adentro
de nuestra area de buscadera Jalisco, Zacatecas y/o Aguascalientes se
van a abrir. En tiempo yo creeo que vamos a hayar proyectos para nuestra
area de buscader para indexar. Entre el proyecto y ayudanos adelentarlo.



Joseph Puentes
http://h2opodcast.com/vsse.html (Vegan Environmental Solutions Podcast)
http://h2opodcast.com (Environmental Podcast)
http://h2opodcast.blogspot.com (Blog for above)
http://PleaseListenToYourMom.com (Women's Peace Podcast)
http://NuestraFamiliaUnida.com (Latin American History Podcast)
http://nuestrosranchos.org (Jalisco, Zacatecas, and Aguascalientes

zapvive1@msn.com wrote:
> Is it possible to index from the area we are researching, or is it
> random?