My father is Jose Refujio de Anda his father was Jose de Jesus de Anda and his father was Jose Fidel de Anda and finally his father was Bacilio de Anda. My understanding is that they were all from San Julian, Jalisco. Jose de Jesus was married to Consuelo Padilla, her parents were Crescenciano Padilla and Julia Padilla, Julia's parents were Salvador Padilla and Victoria Munoz from las Caballerias in San Juan. Jose Fidel was married to Maria Garcia and her father was Gerardo garcia, I believe from el Cital, San Julian. I have found the de Anda's on the census records but not the Padilla's. Any information would be very helpful to me maybe I'm missing something? Nora de Anda Romo
busca en San Juan de Los Lagos y Union de San Antonio