Hello fellow members. Due to a system crash, I had the misfortune of losing about a dozen lists of extracted names of Guadalajara Dispensas similar to what I posted here: http://www.nuestrosranchos.org/es/node/19680
After getting over the shock and loss, this weekend I decided to start keeping my notes online via a blog. I think it will be useful to most researchers because the blog also has a custom search bar to make it easier for you to search names or pueblos. I am happy to share with you all here:
I have uploaded 10 files so far, and hope to regularly update the blog as time permits. In the meantime, if you have comments, I would appreciate it if you would PRIVATE MESSAGE me, and I will do my best to respond.
I truly hope this is of some help to fellow members here and please do let me know how you think I can improve the site.
for anyone interested in helping the owner of guadalajara dispensations out with indexing. here's a list of collections from the Diócesis de Guadalajara (from the years 1600-1766, if I include years after 1766 in this post, this list will be too long) that haven't been indexed yet. this doesn't include collections i'm currently working on indexing. if i'm missing any collections here, please tell me
Matrimonios 1638-1699
Matrimonios 1690-1709
Matrimonios 1699-1707
Matrimonios 1720-1723
Matrimonios 1723-1724
Matrimonios 1724-1725
Matrimonios 1725-1726
Matrimonios 1727-1729
Matrimonios 1728
Matrimonios 1729
Matrimonios 1729-1731
Matrimonios 1729-1733
Matrimonios 1730
Matrimonios 1731-1732
Matrimonios 1758 (barely started on this one, so i'll leave it here for the time being)
Matrimonios 1760-1766
Matrimonios 1762-1764
Matrimonios 1764-1765
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Just so you know, Katie, I'm working on some of these already. In order for people not to repeat the same film, they should contact Claudia Casillas so they can request an assignment.
For everyone in the group-- I encourage you to help with this great project-- I have realized that I get lots of personal satisfaction knowing I am helping others with their genealogy. I am indexing and arbitrating for the NR group for Familysearch and am working on the Dispensas. The great thing about this is I have found records useful to me in my genealogy, too.
I am very busy with work and life, so in the busy times I reduce my contributions, but when I have some free time, I do what I can to add to the genealogical knowledge of Mexico.
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*Special Note: If anybody is interested in participating in the indexing
project (volunteering to index), please contact me at guadalajaradispensas
AT gmail DOT com - Please know that we have many films in progress, so
before you begin any work, please check our updates and progress at
On Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 5:54 PM,
> Just so you know, Katie, I'm working on some of these already. In order
> for people not to repeat the same film, they should contact Claudia
> Casillas so they can request an assignment.
> For everyone in the group-- I encourage you to help with this great
> project-- I have realized that I get lots of personal satisfaction knowing
> I am helping others with their genealogy. I am indexing and arbitrating for
> the NR group for Familysearch and am working on the Dispensas. The great
> thing about this is I have found records useful to me in my genealogy, too.
> I am very busy with work and life, so in the busy times I reduce my
> contributions, but when I have some free time, I do what I can to add to
> the genealogical knowledge of Mexico.
> Rosalinda
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oh ok, too bad i can't edit that list but just curious, which ones are you working on?
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Hola Claudia:
Estoy sumamente agradecido de que tengas la molestia de subir estos índices para todos nosotros. Ayer estuve checando y encontré dos dispensas que me ayudaron mucho, la de Justo Julián Barbosa y la de Gregorio Barbosa, con las que pude avanzar dos generaciones más en mi línea de Ruelas.
¿Cada cuánto tiempo estás actualizando los índices? Si sabes algo de la dispensa del matrimonio entre Antonio Vergara Espinoza y Lauriana Lepe Espinoza, casados el 9 de Junio de 1757 en Cocula te lo agradecería mucho.
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Salvador, I've not touched the 1757 dispensas yet. My plan is to post at least 2-3 lists per week.
You must check the blog regularly or subscribe to it via RSS.
Salvador, aun no he tocado las dispensas del año 1757. Mi intencion es postear por lo menos 2-3 archivos cada semana.
Tienes que checar el blog, o subscribete por RSS.
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De Nuevo Gracias Claudia,
Ya me inscribí a tu blog como seguidor. Estaré al siempre al tanto. Creo que es un gesto muy loable de tu parte poner a la disposición de los demás tu trabajo que no es fácil, al contrario es un trabajo laborioso y muchas veces agotador leer y "descifrar" la escritura antigua, borrosa, extraña y confusa. Gracias de verdad.
Jorge Elias
Miami, FL
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Muchas gracias Claudia por compartir con nosotros tan arduo trabajo, pocas personas como tu comparten su tiempo y trabajo con los demás sin problemas. Te deseo éxito en todo lo que te propongas en esta vida y Dios recompense tanta generosidad.
Saludos y abrazos.
L.C.P. Jorge Luis Ramírez Gómez.
Tepatitlán de Morelos, Jalisco, México.
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Mil gracias por compartir tu trabajo!!!!
2011/9/8 Jorge Luis Ramírez Gómez
> Muchas gracias Claudia por compartir con nosotros tan arduo trabajo, pocas
> personas como tu comparten su tiempo y trabajo con los demás sin problemas.
> Te deseo éxito en todo lo que te propongas en esta vida y Dios recompense
> tanta generosidad.
> Saludos y abrazos.
> L.C.P. Jorge Luis Ramírez Gómez.
> Tepatitlán de Morelos, Jalisco, México.
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Muchas Gracias Claudia por ese trabajo. No es nada fácil buscar en los libros como están, con ese indice será mucho mejor.
Tengo una pregunta. Hay algo que deje saber dónde se encuentran las dispensas de Nuevo León en Guadalajara o se encuentran todas mezcladas junto con las de Jalisco, etc.
Estoy buscando desde hace tiempo la dispensa matrimonial de Juan Francisco Chávez Treviño y María Cecilia Caballero que se casaron en el Guajuco el 21 de abril de 1799 pero debieron pedir dispensas de consanguinidad y tenía la esperanza de encontrarla en Guadalajara. Te agradezco cualquier dato sobre ese tema. Y gracias de Nuevo por tu trabajo. Ya fui al blog, resulta muy práctico. Buena suerte.
Jorge Elias
Miami, FL
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Hola Sr. Elías, las dispensas de matrimonio están revueltas tanto las de Nuevo León y ciudades cercanas junto con las de todos los municipios de Jalisco, es un verdadero descontrol. He batallado un poco por lo mismo de que son tantas hojas y tantos libros que es un poco cansado estar buscando. Pero nimodo, es nuestra pasión la genealogía.
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Asi es, como dice el Señor Ramirez, la Sagrada Mitra de Guadalajara contiene muchas dispensas matrimoniales iniciadas en Nuevo Leon. He visto varias de Guajuco (Huajuco).
Busca en el blog de guadalajaradispensas.com
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Jorge, I've not yet completed the extracyion of the year 1799 guadalajara dispensas. I will post a note here when I have uploaded.
Jorge, Aun no termino el rollo de dispensas en la sagrada mitra de 1799. Cuando las suba al blog les avisare aqui.
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Thank you so much for these dispensations. It is people like yourself, with no thought of monetary gain, that will help group members, especially since the indexes in Family Search have gone missing, etc.
Port Orchard, WA
> To: research@lists.nuestrosranchos.org
> From: claudiacasillas@gmail.com
> Date: Mon, 5 Sep 2011 21:14:07 -0700
> Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Guadalajara Marriage Dispensations / Dispensas Matrimoniales en Guadalajara
> Hello fellow members. Due to a system crash, I had the misfortune of losing about a dozen lists of extracted names of Guadalajara Dispensas similar to what I posted here: http://www.nuestrosranchos.org/es/node/19680
> After getting over the shock and loss, this weekend I decided to start keeping my notes online via a blog. I think it will be useful to most researchers because the blog also has a custom search bar to make it easier for you to search names or pueblos. I am happy to share with you all here:
> www.guadalajaradispensas.com
> I have uploaded 10 files so far, and hope to regularly update the blog as time permits. In the meantime, if you have comments, I would appreciate it if you would PRIVATE MESSAGE me, and I will do my best to respond.
> I truly hope this is of some help to fellow members here and please do let me know how you think I can improve the site.
> Saludos,
> -C
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here's the list of collections yet to be indexed