Anyone from Jerez

I am having a very hard time locating my great grandfather's death information. Francisco Flores Cristerna, son of Marcelino Cristerna and Martina (Matiana) Flores, was married to Hilaria Acuna Cardenas and raised their children there. Hilaria died on December 20,1920 in Jerez, Zaca. Francisco remarried Lusmila Valle Bermudez, on May 24, 1924,in Jerez, Zaca. They had child named Maria Aucilio(Auxicio)Cristerna born on August 31, 1925, in Jerez.

The 1930 census shows that Lusmila and Ma.Aucilio Cristerna moved to El Molino, Ciudad Garcia,and were living with Maria Valle Bermudez, their mother and grandmother.

I have searched and search and can't find Francisco's death info, or whatever happened to Ma. Aucilio Cristerna. If you can help, it would be geatly appreciated.

RaulCristerna Luna