ged com files - which ones to use

Decades ago I made a word file on an old Apple IIC of hundreds of names and births, parents, etc.from a microfilm. Back then there weren't ged com files or I wasn't aware of them. I would like to tranfer the information to a ged com file by cutting and pasting rather than typing in all the info. Years ago I tried one from but it was one that required typing in each name so I didn't get very far. Maybe it has changed since then. For those of you who use gedcom files regularly could you recommend one that would be amenable to what I would like to do. Thank you!

Try the following:

If you do a google search for "convert ext to gedcom" a number of other options come up.

While I have never done this specifically, I have edited gedcom files with a text editor to remove extraneous material. As long as you are careful, it works; if you aren't careful, the file can be damaged. Make sure you have a back-up of the file before saving the changes!

George Fulton
Pleasanton, CA