I have been unable to locate the parents of Thomasa Ruis de Esparsa; married to Jorge Ayala-Cortes on 17 Nov,1688 (Aguascaliente). She was also the widow of Bartholome Garcia de Leon (Deceased 21 July,1671). I have been unable to locate her birth or death, marriage to Bartholome (who was the son of Bartholome Garcia de Leon and Ana Casares) and death of Jorge Ayala. Any help and suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,
Deedra Corona
Hi Deedra,
Jorge de Ayala was baptized 3 May 1649 in Aguascalientes son of Andrés de Ayala, Alférez Real de Aguascalientes who “inherited” this position from his brother-in-law and Beatriz Rangel Peguero aka Ortíz Cortés. I cannot recall if Andrés was born in Xérez de la Frontera in Spain. He actually took his mother’s name while he belongs to the Montoro Guzmán lineage. Since no baptisms have been found for the early generation, it could be that they were born in Spain and traveled to New Spain or were baptized in another parish, possibly Mexico City or Guadalajara.
I think you have confused the two Bartolomé García de León. The father was the one who died on 25 Jul 1671 husband of Antonia de Cáceres. I have not found any death record on Bartolomé García de León II. This family is very interesting; sometimes they appeared as García de Lara and appear to be somehow linked to Martín de León, a miner in Asientos during the XVII century who was the son of Bernardo de León and Margarita García de León. I suspect Bernardo was also a García de León as sometimes they appear as on “de León”. The Leos family also appears to be somehow linked with all these García. There is a dispensa that I found, thanks to Claudia Casillas, this week that shows a grandson of the Leos patriarch take on García name.
Even though I do not descend from the García de León they are always interesting because they seem to be related to everyone; so I continue to study them. I believe this is the only family I do not descend from in Aguascalientes. My grandmother is García-Rojas, but that is a different family.
Daniel Méndez-Camino
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Your reply to Deedra has several errors and inaccuracies. I don't have the
time to take it all apart, but here are some facts so you can start
correcting your records:
Bartholomé García de León, who married Tomasa Ruiz de Esparza, was buried 25
July 1671. Not his father. His burial record can be found online under
Defunciones 1620-1701, Image 122. It reads:
Al margen: "Bme. Garzia, Español, marido que fue de Thomasa Ruiz de Esparza.
No testo"
"En la Villa de Aguascalientes en veinte y sinco dias del mes de Julio de
seys sientos y setenta y un años fallecio Bartholomé García, Español, marido
que fue de Thomassa Ruys de Esparssa, no testo, resibio todos los Stos.
Sacramentos, Viatico y Extrema Uncion. Enterrose en la parrochial desta
Villa Y para que conste lo firme D. Baltazar Fernando de Castilla"
His father, Bartholomé García de León, was buried 8 years later 27 Mar 1679
also in Aguascalientes. His burial record can be found in Defunciones
1620-1701, Image 167 and reads as follows:
Al margen: "Bartholome Garcia, español, hizo testamento"
"En la Villa de aguascalientes en Veinte y siete dias de el mes de marso de
mil y seiscientos y setenta y nuebe años enterré en la parrochial de ella a
Bartholome Garsia, Español, viudo de Antonia de Nava, se confeso y resibio
todos los Santos Sacramentos, Viatico y Extrema Unsion. Hizo testamento que
otorgo ante D. Juan de Seseña, Escrivano Publico y Real, mando se le cantase
misa de Cuerpo Presente ofrendada de Pan y Vino mando se le diese a las
mandas forzosas lo que se acostumbra, no dexo otra obra pia, dexo por sus
albaseas al Capitan Juan Fernandez de Castro y a su hijo Bernardo Garsia y
para que conste lo firme D. Baltazar Fernando de Castilla"
Bartholomé García de León married Antonia de Nava 10 Aug 1648 after his
first wife, Antonia de Cáceres, died 1 June 1646.
A paragraph in Bartholomé García de León final will and testament reads as
"Yten declaro que durante dicho matrimonio (to his first wife Antonia de
Cáceres) hubimos y procreamos por nuestros hijos legitimos a Juan García de
León que oy es casado con Juana de Ulloa; a Bartholome García de Leon a
quien casé con tomasa de esparza el qual es difunto - y dexó un hijo llamado
Dominguillo - y a Francisco García de León que es ya difunto, declárolo asi
para que conste."
----- Original Message -----
From: "Daniel Mendez de Torres"
To: "Nuestros Ranchos"
Sent: Saturday, December 03, 2011 12:21 AM
Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Thomasa Ruis de Esparsa
Hi Deedra,
Jorge de Ayala was baptized 3 May 1649 in Aguascalientes son of Andrés de
Ayala, Alférez Real de Aguascalientes who “inherited” this position from his
brother-in-law and Beatriz Rangel Peguero aka Ortíz Cortés. I cannot recall
if Andrés was born in Xérez de la Frontera in Spain. He actually took his
mother’s name while he belongs to the Montoro Guzmán lineage. Since no
baptisms have been found for the early generation, it could be that they
were born in Spain and traveled to New Spain or were baptized in another
parish, possibly Mexico City or Guadalajara.
I think you have confused the two Bartolomé García de León. The father was
the one who died on 25 Jul 1671 husband of Antonia de Cáceres. I have not
found any death record on Bartolomé García de León II. This family is very
interesting; sometimes they appeared as García de Lara and appear to be
somehow linked to Martín de León, a miner in Asientos during the XVII
century who was the son of Bernardo de León and Margarita García de León. I
suspect Bernardo was also a García de León as sometimes they appear as on
“de León”. The Leos family also appears to be somehow linked with all these
García. There is a dispensa that I found, thanks to Claudia Casillas, this
week that shows a grandson of the Leos patriarch take on García name.
Even though I do not descend from the García de León they are always
interesting because they seem to be related to everyone; so I continue to
study them. I believe this is the only family I do not descend from in
Aguascalientes. My grandmother is García-Rojas, but that is a different
Daniel Méndez-Camino
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Thanks Bill for correcting these mistakes. It seems that most errors that are found in my database are from Aguascalientes. I believe lots have to do from FamilySearch and the IGI. Though I am correcting many, I suppose the pace is not fast enough. I will double check my sources before answering any questions on my part. Members like I need to always double check all information that comes our way. The last thing I want is to pass information that has a mistake.
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No problem, Daniel. As you may have noticed, it makes me extremely uneasy to see erroneous information posted on NR. I think Joseph's advise "measure three times and cut once" should be followed by all of us before posting unchecked information that may turn out to be wrong. We all make mistakes, but if we make them consistantly it can point to serious problems in our research. My advice to you is to always check your sources. Trust but verify.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Daniel Mendez de Torres"
To: "Nuestros Ranchos"
Sent: Sunday, December 04, 2011 11:28 AM
Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Thomasa Ruis de Esparsa
Thanks Bill for correcting these mistakes. It seems that most errors that are found in my database are from Aguascalientes. I believe lots have to do from FamilySearch and the IGI. Though I am correcting many, I suppose the pace is not fast enough. I will double check my sources before answering any questions on my part. Members like I need to always double check all information that comes our way. The last thing I want is to pass information that has a mistake.
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I checked my index of Aguascalientes matrimonial investigations, but did not find them. The marriages are at a time when the matrimonial investigation records are rather sparse.
George Fulton
Pleasanton, CA
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Thank you, I found Jorge Ayala's Testamento on the site you had given me previously. He lists his wife, but not her parents--which seemed rather unusual compared to the others I've read. I'm sure someone will have the answer.
Thank you,
Deedra Corona
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Thomasa Ruis de Esparsa