Padron Film

Hello Everyone,
A while back I had read there is supposed to be a Padron film
for the Colotlan,Jalisco area from the 1760's. If true, does
anyone know if it's available online somewhere? I know there
is one for 1855 but is there any older ones?


Look at this Nuestros Ranchos files (File --- Books and Articles --- Census
Records for Latin America by Lyman Platt) link: for a pretty complete listing
of Padrones, including the one you seek, for the Jalisco, Zacatecas, and
Aguascalientes area.

I'm not sure exactly if the 1760 or 1770 pardon is available from the
Sevilla or Toledo, Spain libraries but it could possibly be. Please pass on
any information you find, thanks.

As for pardons for Colotlan before 1855 there is one for 1817 on film
0168809 but I don't believe it is online, check on it, but you might need to
order it from your local Family History Center.



Joseph Puentes

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of
Sent: Friday, December 02, 2011 3:21 PM
Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Padron Film

Hello Everyone,
A while back I had read there is supposed to be a Padron film
for the Colotlan, Jalisco area from the 1760's. If true, does
anyone know if it's available online somewhere? I know there
is one for 1855 but is there any older ones?
