Invasion of Foreing Mining Company on Private Property in Jalisco/Zacatecas Area

We are from the Huejuquilla El Alto, Jalisco, Mexico area which is in between:

San Antonio De Padua (Ex -Hacienda), Zacatecas, Mexico
Valparaiso, Zacatecas, Mexico

Recently there has been a foreign mining company that claims they bought a permit from "La Secretaria De Economia of Mineros," to allow them to explore and extract 1,000 Hectares in the Huejuquilla area:

Look at "Tres Machos Mine:"

My grandmother's sister owns a Hill and acres of property in that same area. Because we went on foot and horseback to visit my grandmother's sisters property where an old mine is at and the name of that mine is called, "Mina Del Refugio, Zacatecas" We first arrived to my aunt's ranch in Rancho Colorado and traveled by foot up into the mountains to see the mine which was holes in the ground and the main entrance had stone block foundations along the doorway. There are a lot of quartz rocks everythere and at the base of the hill there is a river where we also found a lot of hematite. My great grandfather, my grandfather and my uncle have extracted gold from that mine.

So how is it that the Secretaria de Economia sells permits to foreing miners to explore on private property? The Huejuquilla area has a number of Ranchos.

Then in this website the foreing mining company is exploring south of Huejuquilla which puts them at Rancho Salitre Sur (private property) and San Antonio de Padua:

"The Zuna Project"

This upsets me! How is it that the land owners are not consulted or asked permission?