Tomasa Ruis de Esparsa

Hello, Hope all are enjoying plenty of tamales and cheer!

I am still trying to locate the parents of Tomasa Ruis de Esparsa, widow of Bartolome Garcia de Leon (Hijo) and wife of Jorge de Ayala. The one possiblity is found in the "Genealogical Look at the 1648 Padron of Aguascalientes" ; page 23, under: La Cassa de Lope Ruis de Esparsa.

There is reference to: "Tomasa Ruis, su hija de dos anos"
I believe this Tomasa would be daughter to Cristobal Ruis de Esparsa and his wife Isabel Peres de Ortega AKA Alcaraz. This would mean a birthdate of @ 1646; making her age 20 when she married Bartholome Garcia in 1666, and but @ age 42 when she married Jorge Ayala in 1688. However, it appears Tomasa was with Jorge Ayala long before the marriage because, even though I haven't found birth records for the children, Angela was married in 1689; Beatris in 1695; and Andres in 1701.

I admit, I have searched the birth records page by page and am unable to locate any record of her birth--only this one line in the Padron. Does anyone have any ideas or opinions or advice?

Thank you, and Merry Christmas,
Deedra Corona