Joseph Puentes
I sent to my folder a summary of the many Huizar families in Colotlan, Jal., Mex. from 1718 - 1877I hope this will help to search interested in the Huizar name to easy find the roots and ties between this family.I want to search in other towns around Colotlan, Jal., with the goal to find the fountain of this name.Dr. Moises B. Huizar
Saludos Dr. Huizar,
Para clarificacion al grupo su carpeta de archivos esta aqui para que todos
pueden ver:
Angie Godina es persona con mucha informacion de la familia Huizar en
Colotlan y otras areas alrededor.
Joseph Puentes
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [mailto:research-
>] On Behalf Of Dr moisés
> Beutelspacher
> Sent: Saturday, January 07, 2012 3:37 AM
> To:
> Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Huizar Families in Colotlan 1718 - 1877
> Joseph Puentes
> I sent to my folder a summary of the many Huizar families in Colotlan,
> Jal., Mex. from 1718 - 1877I hope this will help to search interested
> in the Huizar name to easy find the roots and ties between this
> family.I want to search in other towns around Colotlan, Jal., with the
> goal to find the fountain of this name.Dr. Moises B. Huizar
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Huizar Families in Colotlan 1718 - 1877