Iv'e been trying to read this document for the past 2 hours and only found 10 words with help of my mom.So it would be awesome if some one can please translate this document for.

Document 363 page 322 LA Jabonera Felipe Armas Leonarda Lozano

Joseph María Pérez Sotelo y María García = They married each other.

Ignacio Pérez........1........Ma. Deseana Pérez = They are their children, so they are brother and sister. Each one married to someone else not shown here.

Ma. Refugio Pérez......2......Ma. Sebastiana Yáñez = Both female, they are cousins and their granddaughters. Each one married to someone else not shown here.

Antonio Armas........3.........Ma. Luisa Durán = They are second cousins and their great-grandchildren. Each one married to someone else not shown here.

Felipe Armas........4.........Leonarda Lozano = They are third cousins, their gg-grandchildren, and they married each other.

Joseph María and María García are the parents of Ignacio, who is the father of Refugio, who is the mother of Antonio, who is the father of Felipe (all the names in the left column)

Joseph María and María García are also the parents of Deseana, who is the mother of Sebastiana, who is the mother of Ma. Luisa, who is the mother of Leonarda (all the names in the right column).

Feipe and Leonarda are third cousins and got married.
Victoriano Navarro

En la Iglesia Parroquial de Nochistlan a trece de mayo de 1879 yo el Presbítero Don Rafael G Portugal teniente de Cura con licencia parroquial case y vele in fascie Ecletia a Felipe Armas, soltero de 21 años de edad, originario y vecino de la Jabonera, de esta feligresía, hijo legitimo de Antonio Armas finado y de Bernarda Suares que vive, con Leonarda Lozano, célibe, de 20 años de edad, originaria y vecina del mismo punto, hija legitima de ¿¿Pablo?? Lozano y de Luisa Duran que viven. Dispensados por el Ilustrísimo Señor Arzobispo por impedimento de consanguinidad de cuarto grado igual como se ve en el decreto inserto al frente de esta partida, previos los consentimientos necesarios y las diligencias que prescribe el Santo Concilio de Trento, sus amonestaciones leídas inter Misamm solemnia en tres días festivos que lo fueron el 27 de abril, 4 y 11 de mayo, de las que no resultó impedimento alguno aun pasado el término legal, así como el examen en la doctrina cristiana y las obligaciones del estado sobre lo que se hallaron suficientemente instruidos y la confesión sacramental. Fueron sus padrinos Julián de los Santos y Bonifacia Padilla. Testigos Doroteo de los Santos y Rosalío Méndez. Para que conste lo firmé con el Señor Cura.
Ysidro Argüelles Rafael G. Portugal.

Victoriano Navarro

[Correction of prior posting.]

The brides's father is actually Serbulo Lozano.

The bride and groom are also related: 3rd cousins (4th degree consanguinity). There should be a dispensation with the matrimonial investigation.

George Fulton
Pleasanton, CA

I had brought up the fact that they are 3rd cousins in one of my earlier
posts. There's no need to search for the dispensation. I have found enough
records to show they are related through Manuel Lozano and María Agustina
de Aguallo


On Tue, Jan 10, 2012 at 11:48 PM, wrote:

> The groom's father is actually Serbulo Lozano.
> The bride and groom are also related: 3rd cousins (4th degree
> consanguinity). There should be a dispensation with the matrimonial
> investigation.
> George Fulton
> Pleasanton, CA

Even having all the information I need, I would ALWAYS search for the dispensation. Sometimes they have some interesting and previously unknown piece of the puzzle ;)
Victoriano Navarro

This would be the corrected transcription based on the input (with some corrections -mainly accents- according to modern Spanish):

En la Iglesia Parroquial de Nochistlan a trece de mayo de 1879 yo el Presbítero Don Rafael G. Portugal teniente de Cura con licencia parroquial casé y velé in fascie Ecletia a Felipe Armas, soltero de 21 años de edad, originario y vecino de la Jabonera, de esta feligresía, hijo legítimo de Antonio Armas finado y de Bernarda Juares que vive, con Leonarda Lozano, célibe, de 20 años de edad, originaria y vecina del mismo punto, hija legítima de Cérbulo Lozano y de Luisa Durán que viven. Dispensados por el Ilustrísimo Señor Arzobispo por impedimento de consanguinidad de cuarto grado igual como se ve en el decreto inserto al frente de esta partida, previos los consentimientos necesarios y las diligencias que prescribe el Santo Concilio de Trento, sus amonestaciones leídas inter Misamm solemnia en tres días festivos que lo fueron el 27 de abril, 4 y 11 de mayo, de las que no resultó impedimento alguno aun pasado el término legal, así como el examen en la doctrina cristiana y las obligaciones del estado sobre lo que se hallaron suficientemente instruidos y la confesión sacramental. Fueron sus padrinos Librado Durán y Decideria Yañes. Testigos Telésforo Durán y Mauricio Lopez. Para que conste lo firmé con el Señor Cura.
Ysidro Argüelles -- Rafael G. Portugal.

Victoriano Navarro

Victoriano ... Thank you for this transcription; this is actually very helpful.

Abram ... This document is a challenge to read for a couple of reasons. (1) The image is blurred so enlarging the image is not too helpful, and (2) the handwriting is rather cramped, which makes is hard if you are not too familiar with the church language.

We all had a hard time at first with documetns from the later part of the 1800s; this is not untypical. What is really nice about them, and what makes Victoriano's transcription most helpful, is that the general format of both baptismal and amrriage documents changes very little. They are the same in all the essential points, evenin the 1600s. You will find that many of the older documents have less ornate handwriting, and are easier to read.

To analyze this document...
(1) The beginning is almost always the name of the church, town, and date
(2) The priest's name
(3) The term like case y vele (or sometimes case y no vele)
(4) The groom's name, state (single, widower), where he's from, sometimes his age and often his parent's names.
(4) The same information for the bride.
... if either was married before, the former spouse may be named instead of his or her parents.
(5) If there was a dispensation, as in this case, it is mentioned, but few details
(6) some church language about the marriage being in accordance withthe decrees of the Counsil of Trent, and sometimes the dates of publishing the banns
(7) more church language
(8) the padrino's names
(9) the witness's names
finally, one or more signatures.

With the date of the marriage, and the age of the couple, you will now be able to find their parents in the Nochhistlan extracted records (births 1875 and before). Using the Family Search extracted records together with the images, your research should get easier.

Don't be too concerned if you can't read every word in the document. You will be able to pick out the key points: date, brides & groom's names, their parents names, and likely where they are from.

Hang in there, it will get easier!

George Fulton
Pleasanton, CA

In reply to by gpf13

Thanks for your comments! Indeed most of the records say pretty much the same, just changing names, dates and some details regarding that particular marriage.

Abram: "consanguinidad de cuarto grado igual" means that they share an ancestor (or a couple of them) 4 generations away form each one of them. So they share a gg-grandfather, or a gg-grandmother, or both. Maybe Armando can tell you who are these gg-grandparents and the line that connects them to the bride and groom.

Best regards,

Victoriano Navarro

Estimados colegas y primos,

Desde un principio me interesó esta discusión sobre la familia Armas, pero ahora que analizo cuidadosamente el acta de Felipe Armas y Leonarda Lozano, puedo establecer que los dos están emparentados conmigo. Yo desciendo de Juan José de Armas y de Rosa María de Aguirre, tronco común de estos Armas aquí en discusión. También conecto con otras familias de Nochistlán, como los Durán, Armas, Aguirre, Yáñez, Juárez, Lozano, Sandoval, etc. contenidas en está genealogía.

Me puse a investigar un poco en FamilySearch y en mis archivos, y establecí que en realidad Felipe Armas y Leonarda Lozano estaban ligados por sangre, pero no por un parentesco de consanguinidad de cuarto grado igual, sino por dos. O sea que eran primos terceros por dos líneas, aunque en la investigación de la información matrimonial solo salió a luz un parentesco. Los troncos comunes de ellos eran: (1) Nicolás de Aguirre y Ma. Felipa Contreras [casados el 20 de mayo de 1744]; y (2) Joseph María Pérez Sotelo y María García [casados el primero de octubre de 1755, en Nochistlán]. Los parentescos se pueden resumir de la siguiente forma:

Nicolás de Aguirre y Felipa Contreras
Rosa Ma. Aguirre........1.......Joaquín Aguirre
Luciano Armas...........2......Ma. Remigia Aguirre
Antonio Armas........3...........Cérbulo Lozano
Felipe Armas........4..........Leonarda Lozano

Joseph María Pérez Sotelo y María García
Ignacio Pérez........1........Ma. Deseana Pérez
Ma. Refugio Pérez.....2......Ma. Sebastiana Yáñez
Antonio Armas........3.........Ma. Luisa Durán
Felipe Armas........4.........Leonarda Lozano

Es necesario informarles entonces que Manuel Lozano y María Agustina de Aguayo no son tronco común para esta pareja, como se había aseverado anteriormente. Pero sí son los abuelos paternos de Cérbulo Lozano, padre de Leonarda Lozano.

Steven Francisco Hernández López

Yo ya había enviado un mensaje corrigiendo mi error de decir que Manuel
Lozano y María Agustina de Aguayo son el tronco común de Felipe Armas y
Leonarda Lozano. Tengo a Manuel Lozano y María Agustina de Aguayo como el
tronco común de Margarito Armas y Macedonia Jauregui Glz. A la vez tengo a
Nicolás de Aguirre y Felipa Contreras como otro tronco común de Felipe
Armas y Leonarda Lozano. Esto es lo que yo tengo después de haber revisado
las imágenes de los registros de matrimonio de las siguientes personas.

Tronco Nicolás de Aguirre and Felipa Contreras
María Rosa de Aguirre....1...Joaquín de Aguirre
Luciano de Armas..........2...María Remigia de Aguirre
Antonio de Armas..........3...Serbulo Lozano
Felipe Armas.................4...Leonarda Lozano

Tronco Manuel Lozano y María Agustina de Aguayo
Jose María Lozano...1...María Calista Lozano
Serbulo Lozano.......2...Jacinta Aguirre
Leonarda Lozano....3....Francisca Glz
Margarito Armas.....4....Macedonia Jauregui

Cuando di el tronco incorrecto era para explicar que no era necesario
encontrar la dispensa para saber como estaban emparentados Felipe Armas y
Leonarda Lozano y para que la persona que esta buscando a sus ancestros
dedicara el tiempo en buscar los registros de bautismo y de matrimonio por
la razón que es principiante en esto y por lo mismo tiene mucha dificultad
en sus búsquedas. Le sería demasiado difícil buscar la dispensa en esta
etapa de su aprendizaje. Ya después de buscar todos los registros posibles
y no encontrar el tronco común es cuando seria necesario buscar la dispensa
para dar con el tronco y ojala ya habrá aprendido leer los documentos con
mayor facilidad.


On Thu, Jan 12, 2012 at 4:50 AM, wrote:

> Estimados colegas y primos,
> Desde un principio me interesó esta discusión sobre la familia Armas, pero
> ahora que analizo cuidadosamente el acta de Felipe Armas y Leonarda Lozano,
> puedo establecer que los dos están emparentados conmigo. Yo desciendo de
> Juan José de Armas y de Rosa María de Aguirre, tronco común de estos Armas
> aquí en discusión. También conecto con otras familias de Nochistlán, como
> los Durán, Armas, Yáñez, Juárez, Lozano, Sandoval, etc. contenidas en está
> genealogía.
> Me puse a investigar un poco en FamilySearch y en mis archivos, y
> establecí que en realidad Felipe Armas y Leonarda Lozano tenían un
> parentesco de consanguinidad de cuarto grado igual, o sea que eran primos
> terceros. El tronco común de ellos eran Joseph María Pérez Sotelo y María
> García [casados el primero de octubre de 1755, en Nochistlán]. El
> parentesco se puede resumir de la siguiente forma:
> Joseph María Pérez Sotelo y María García Ignacio
> Pérez........1........Ma. Deseana Pérez
> Ma. Refugio Pérez......2......Ma. Sebastiana Yáñez
> Antonio Armas........3.........Ma. Luisa Durán
> Felipe Armas........4.........**Leonarda Lozano
> Es necesario informarles entonces que Manuel Lozano y María Agustina de
> Aguayo no son el tronco común de esta pareja, como se había aseverado
> anteriormente.
> Steven Francisco Hernández López

Hi Abram,

I think that:
Nicolás de Aguirre y Felipa Contreras
Rosa Ma. Aguirre........1.......Joaquín Aguirre
Luciano Armas...........2......Ma. Remigia Aguirre
Antonio Armas........3...........Cérbulo Lozano
Felipe Armas........4..........Leonarda Lozano

4 Groom: Felipe Armas
3 His father: Antonio Armas
2 His Grandfather: Luciano Armas
1 His G-grandmother: Rosa Ma. Aguirre
His GG-grandparents: Nicolás de Aguirre y Felipa Contreras

4 Bride: Leonarda Lozano
3 Her father: Cérbulo Lozano
2 Her grandmother: Ma. Remigia Aguirre
1 Her G-grandfather: Joaquín Aguirre
Her GG-grandparents: Nicolás de Aguirre y Felipa Contreras

Doing the same for the second chart should give you the other branch with Joseph María Pérez Sotelo y María García as gg-grandparents of bride and groom:
Joseph María Pérez Sotelo y María García
Ignacio Pérez........1........Ma. Deseana Pérez
Ma. Refugio Pérez.....2......Ma. Sebastiana Yáñez
Antonio Armas........3.........Ma. Luisa Durán
Felipe Armas........4.........Leonarda Lozano

Victoriano Navarro

Abram Flores
okay so it goes like this right felipe armas marries leonarda lozano antonio armas marrie ma. luisa duran ma. refugio perez married sebastiana yanez ignacio perez married ma. deseana perez joseph maria perez sotelo married maria garcia.and i still didnt get the first tronco

Joseph María Pérez Sotelo y María García = They married
Ignacio Pérez........1........Ma. Deseana Pérez = They are their children, so they are brother and sister.
Ma. Refugio Pérez......2......Ma. Sebastiana Yáñez = Both female, they are cousins and their granddaughters.
Antonio Armas........3.........Ma. Luisa Durán = They are second cousins and their great-grandchildren
Felipe Armas........4.........Leonarda Lozano = They are third cousins, their gg-grandchildren, and they married.

Victoriano Navarro

Abram Flores
wait so who marry who and and whose the father and the mother of the pretty sure i can figure all of this out my but i have been very busy with school homework and that is the reason why i ask so many questions.So thanks to every one who has helped so far


If you don't have genealogy software, you need to get it because that's the best method of placing every family member in their respective place, otherwise they are just names.

You can download free PAF software from the familysearch website. It will make a big difference in understanding who is married to whom and which generation each person belongs to.

San Jose, Ca

From: ""
Sent: Thursday, January 12, 2012 6:50 PM
Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] (no subject)

Abram Flores
wait so who marry who and and whose the father and the mother of the pretty sure i can figure all of this out my but i have been very busy with school homework and that is the reason why i ask so many questions.So thanks to every one who has helped so far

PAF is really easy to use, and I recommend it.

You can also get a program to go with it called PAF Companion, that prints very nice reports and charts (including in color). You have to buy this one, but it is only about $10.00, and well worth the money. The reports it generates are best when you have Microsoft Word, but it works with other word processors as well.

Both of these have been around for a long time, but they both run on Windows Vista without any problems(I would expect they also are ok with Windows 7).

There is a very old Macintosh version, but it may not run on the current Mac operating system. By comparison with the Windows version, it is not very good.

There is other software, as well. Some not expensive (perhaps $40-50); others cost much more. For the price, PAF and PAF Companion are tough to beat!

George Fulton
Pleasanton, CA

Abram------Be careful with's system. Make your tree Private as soon as possible, otherwise their trolling robot software (Family Tree) will allow people to pull over information you have put in by putting it on their "shaking leaves". Those shaking leaves are supposed to only be "hints" that other peoples' ancestors might be related, but usually only the name is the same but the location and date are way off. Always check things out first with Family Search.

When you make your tree Private, people will be forced to contact you via the Ancestry system to discuss your information instead of just assuming you are related because of a common name.

I assume you signed up for a subscription to And then started a tree there that way?

I think it is better to have a genealogy program like PAF in your computer. They all work the way the system works, but people can't take your information. Once you have developed a tree on the software in your computer you can upload it to Ancestry, but remember to make it Private.

I once had Family Tree in my computer, but it automatically linked to their trolling robot and started to give me "hints" I didn't need because they were so inaccurate.

Port Orchard, WA

> To:
> From:
> Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2012 17:28:44 -0800
> Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Genealogy Software
> Abram Flores
> well for right now i am using which one is better

By the way, TRONCO means TRUNK, as in a Tree Trunk. It just means they are showing a trunk or a branch of a Family Tree. You may just ignore the word.
Victoriano Navarro


You will find them once you use the procedures we have explained in
previous messages.


On Thu, Jan 12, 2012 at 9:36 AM, wrote:

> Abram Flores
> sorry to ask but can you please put them like in order like this
> individuals father is or this individuals husband or wife is name them.

Hello Steven,
 First of all I would like to say that I do not speak Spanish, and my Spanish reading skills are very limited to say the least.
 By using Webster's 21st Century Spanish/English Dictionary and applying what I call "common sense," I tend to get the basic meaning of the postings written in Spanish.
 Steven,  your posting was a challenge for me and any corrections in my translation/understand of it will be greatly appreciate.
At first I didn't think this Armas/Lozano discussion applied to my husband (Tino's) ancestry, but as stated in my previous email I later found a common ancestry connection to various individuals being mentioned.
I believe your posting states you are a descendant/desciendo, of Juan Jose de Armas and of Rosa Maria de Aguirre, and that this "trunk," is common to the Armas in discussion.
My husband (Tino) also has a strong connection with ancestors/family from Nochislan, one being Rosa Maria de Aguirre, who is Tino's 3rd GreatGrand-Aunt, bapt 22 March 1752. 
The only information I have for Rosa, is that she is the daughter of Nicolas Yanes de Aguirre and Phelipa Maria Gonzalez Contreras.
Here's where I need help... Is Juan Jose de Armas the spouse of Rosa Maria de Aguirre, and if so, what is the source of that information and the names of their offspring.?.
Are you saying that Felipe Armas and Leonarda Lozano are related/sharing common ancestry in the 4th degree, and are 3rd cousins (?)  and that the common ancestry/trunk is Joseph Maria Perez Sotelo and Maria Garcia (married 01 Oct 1755 in Nochistlan) ?
Joseph Maria Sotelo Perez and Maria Garcia are my husband's 4th GGParents. I have only one child noted for them, a Juana Maria Perez Garcia, who married Joseph Leonicio Aguirre Contreras. This couple is my husband's 3rd  GGParents.
Steven, will you please explain the "trunk," listing that you posted for Joseph Maria Perez Sotelo and Maria is Ignacio Perez related to them as well as the other individuals noted?.
From all this I believe that you and my husband Florentino L. Corbera Jr. are related... not sure to what degree...
Patricia J. Silva Corbera

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, January 12, 2012 2:50:33 AM
Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Parentesco de Consanguinidad en cuarto grado        igual

Estimados colegas y primos,

Desde un principio me interesó esta discusión sobre la familia Armas, pero ahora que analizo cuidadosamente el acta de Felipe Armas y Leonarda Lozano, puedo establecer que los dos están emparentados conmigo.  Yo desciendo de Juan José de Armas y de Rosa María de Aguirre, tronco común de estos Armas aquí en discusión.  También conecto con otras familias de Nochistlán, como los Durán, Armas, Yáñez, Juárez, Lozano, Sandoval, etc. contenidas en está genealogía.  

Me puse a investigar un poco en FamilySearch y en mis archivos, y establecí que en realidad Felipe Armas y Leonarda Lozano tenían un parentesco de consanguinidad de cuarto grado igual, o sea que eran primos terceros.  El tronco común de ellos eran Joseph María Pérez Sotelo y María García [casados el primero de octubre de 1755, en Nochistlán].  El parentesco se puede resumir de la siguiente forma:

        Joseph María Pérez Sotelo y María García
      Ignacio Pérez........1........Ma. Deseana Pérez
    Ma. Refugio Pérez......2......Ma. Sebastiana Yáñez
      Antonio Armas........3.........Ma. Luisa Durán
       Felipe Armas........4.........Leonarda Lozano

Es necesario informarles entonces que Manuel Lozano y María Agustina de Aguayo no son el tronco común de esta pareja, como se había aseverado anteriormente.

Steven Francisco Hernández López

Hello Steven,
 First of all I would like to say that I do not speak Spanish, and my Spanish reading skills are very limited to say the least.
 By using Webster's 21st Century Spanish/English Dictionary and applying what I call "common sense," I tend to get the basic meaning of the postings written in Spanish.
 Steven,  your posting was a challenge for me and any corrections in my translation/understand of it will be greatly appreciate.
At first I didn't think this Armas/Lozano discussion applied to my husband (Tino's) ancestry, but as stated in my previous email I later found a common ancestry connection to various individuals being mentioned.
I believe your posting states you are a descendant/desciendo, of Juan Jose de Armas and of Rosa Maria de Aguirre, and that this "trunk," is common to the Armas in discussion.
My husband (Tino) also has a strong connection with ancestors/family from Nochislan, one being Rosa Maria de Aguirre, who is Tino's 3rd GreatGrand-Aunt, bapt 22 March 1752. 
The only information I have for Rosa, is that she is the daughter of Nicolas Yanes de Aguirre and Phelipa Maria Gonzalez Contreras.
Here's where I need help... Is Juan Jose de Armas the spouse of Rosa Maria de Aguirre, and if so, what is the source of that information and the names of their offspring.?.
Are you saying that Felipe Armas and Leonarda Lozano are related/sharing common ancestry in the 4th degree, and are 3rd cousins (?)  and that the common ancestry/trunk is Joseph Maria Perez Sotelo and Maria Garcia (married 01 Oct 1755 in Nochistlan) ?
Joseph Maria Sotelo Perez and Maria Garcia are my husband's 4th GGParents. I have only one child noted for them, a Juana Maria Perez Garcia, who married Joseph Leonicio Aguirre Contreras. This couple is my husband's 3rd  GGParents.
Steven, will you please explain the "trunk," listing that you posted for Joseph Maria Perez Sotelo and Maria is Ignacio Perez related to them as well as the other individuals noted?.
From all this I believe that you and my husband Florentino L. Corbera Jr. are related... not sure to what degree...
Patricia J. Silva Corbera

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, January 12, 2012 2:50:33 AM
Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Parentesco de Consanguinidad en cuarto grado        igual

Estimados colegas y primos,

Desde un principio me interesó esta discusión sobre la familia Armas, pero ahora que analizo cuidadosamente el acta de Felipe Armas y Leonarda Lozano, puedo establecer que los dos están emparentados conmigo.  Yo desciendo de Juan José de Armas y de Rosa María de Aguirre, tronco común de estos Armas aquí en discusión.  También conecto con otras familias de Nochistlán, como los Durán, Armas, Yáñez, Juárez, Lozano, Sandoval, etc. contenidas en está genealogía.  

Me puse a investigar un poco en FamilySearch y en mis archivos, y establecí que en realidad Felipe Armas y Leonarda Lozano tenían un parentesco de consanguinidad de cuarto grado igual, o sea que eran primos terceros.  El tronco común de ellos eran Joseph María Pérez Sotelo y María García [casados el primero de octubre de 1755, en Nochistlán].  El parentesco se puede resumir de la siguiente forma:

        Joseph María Pérez Sotelo y María García
      Ignacio Pérez........1........Ma. Deseana Pérez
    Ma. Refugio Pérez......2......Ma. Sebastiana Yáñez
      Antonio Armas........3.........Ma. Luisa Durán
       Felipe Armas........4.........Leonarda Lozano

Es necesario informarles entonces que Manuel Lozano y María Agustina de Aguayo no son el tronco común de esta pareja, como se había aseverado anteriormente.

Steven Francisco Hernández López

Your ancestors

On Wed, Jan 11, 2012 at 9:11 PM, wrote:

> Abram Flores
> who is manuel lozano and maria agustina de aguallo?

I just realized I gave you the wrong ones. The correct ones that are the
common ancestors of Felipe Armas and Leonarda Lozano are Nicolás de Aguirre
and Felipa Contreras. Manuel Lozano and Maria Agustina de Aguallo would
have caused a need for a dispensa in 4th degree of Margarito Armas Lozano
and Macedonia Jauregui Aguirre.

On Wed, Jan 11, 2012 at 9:11 PM, wrote:

> Abram Flores
> who is manuel lozano and maria agustina de aguallo?

Abram Flores
i am confused can you clarify the whole common ancestor thing of felipe armas and leonarda lozano please?

I must admit I got lost in following the exchange between  Abram Flores and Ranchos Members. 


It wasn't until  Armando's correction posting that I realized that Nicolas Yanes de Aguirre and Phelipa/Felipa Maria Gonzalez Contreras are my husband's (Florentino/Tino Corbera) 4th Great Grandparents. 


I have the following:


Nicolas and Phelipa parents of 7 children - (1) Juan Francisco Contreras Aguirre (2) Maria Josepha Gonzalez Aguirre (3) Rosa Maria Contreras Aguirre (4) Maria Gertrudis Contreras Aguirre (5) Maria Salome Contreras Aguirre  (6) Joseph Joaquin Aguirre and (7) Joseph Leonicio Contreras Aguirre.


Child # (6) Joseph Joaquin Aguirre and child # (7) Joseph Leonicio Contreras Aguirre are Tino's 3rd GGFathers.


Child # (6) descends to Tino's Maternal Great Grandmother Maria Aniseta Losano Aguirre and her second marriage to Jose Victoriano Rodriguez Perez, their son Jose Fernando Aguirre Perez is Tino's maternal Grandfather (Jose Fernando Aguirre Perez married Maria Andrea Aguirre Andrade, they the parents of  Maria Refugio Perez born 4 July 1903 Rancho Jabonera, Nochistlan, Zacatecas, who is Tinos' mother).


Child # (7) Joseph Leonicio Aguirre Contreras is also Tino's 3rd GGF married to Juana Maria Perez Garcia, they the parents of  (Jose Timoteo Aguirre married to Maria Ambrosia Placencia, parents of Maria Senovia Aguirre, Tino's Great-Grandmother and her second husband  Juan Nepomuceno Delgadillo Andrade). Maria Senovia and Juan Nepomuceno parents of Maria Hilaria Aguirre Andrade and Maria Andrea Aguirre Andrade. Maria Andrea Aguirre Andrade is Tino's maternal Grandmother.  She and her husband Jose Fernando Aguirre Perez share common ancestry via Nicolas Yanes de Aguirre and Phelipa/Felipa Maria Gonzalez Contreras...


My PAF software program relationship calculator  lists them as spouses as well as 3rd cousins...


Maria Andrea Aguirre ANDRADE (mtDNA) and Jose Fernando Aguirre PEREZ are 3rd cousins. Their common ancestors are Nicolas Yanes de AGUIRRE and Phelipa Maria Gonzalez CONTRERAS.


To date I have not located a marriage record for Jose Fernando Aguirre Perez and Maria Andrea Aguirre Andrade. I do have copies of their death records from Susanville Lassen County CA. USA.

Do in part to spelling variations I missed Abram Flores' question about "who is Manuel Lozano and Maria Agustina de Aguallo?"

This couple I have in my PAF as Jose Manuel Torres Losano and Maria Agustina de Aguayo.

They are also Tino's ancestors...


Pat Silva Corbera

Tracy CA











----- Original Message -----

From: "Armando"
Sent: Wednesday, January 11, 2012 7:52:57 PM
Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] The groom's father

I just realized I gave you the wrong ones. The correct ones that are the
common ancestors of Felipe Armas and Leonarda Lozano are Nicolás de Aguirre
and Felipa Contreras. Manuel Lozano and Maria Agustina de Aguallo would
have caused a need for a dispensa in 4th degree of Margarito Armas Lozano
and Macedonia Jauregui Aguirre.

On Wed, Jan 11, 2012 at 9:11 PM, wrote:

> Abram Flores
> who is manuel lozano and maria agustina de aguallo?

Isn't that amazing. Abram's persistence has caused two people in the group to look seriously at the genealogical information and now they've found a family connection..........I love it!!

Our ancestors speak to us in whatever form is necessary to get our attention.

San Jose, Ca

From: Pat Corbera
Sent: Thursday, January 12, 2012 11:56 AM
Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] The groom's father

I must admit I got lost in following the exchange between  Abram Flores and Ranchos Members. 


It wasn't until  Armando's correction posting that I realized that Nicolas Yanes de Aguirre and Phelipa/Felipa Maria Gonzalez Contreras are my husband's (Florentino/Tino Corbera) 4th Great Grandparents. 


I have the following:


Nicolas and Phelipa parents of 7 children - (1) Juan Francisco Contreras Aguirre (2) Maria Josepha Gonzalez Aguirre (3) Rosa Maria Contreras Aguirre (4) Maria Gertrudis Contreras Aguirre (5) Maria Salome Contreras Aguirre  (6) Joseph Joaquin Aguirre and (7) Joseph Leonicio Contreras Aguirre.


Child # (6) Joseph Joaquin Aguirre and child # (7) Joseph Leonicio Contreras Aguirre are Tino's 3rd GGFathers.


Child # (6) descends to Tino's Maternal Great Grandmother Maria Aniseta Losano Aguirre and her second marriage to Jose Victoriano Rodriguez Perez, their son Jose Fernando Aguirre Perez is Tino's maternal Grandfather (Jose Fernando Aguirre Perez married Maria Andrea Aguirre Andrade, they the parents of  Maria Refugio Perez born 4 July 1903 Rancho Jabonera, Nochistlan, Zacatecas, who is Tinos' mother).


Child # (7) Joseph Leonicio Aguirre Contreras is also Tino's 3rd GGF married to Juana Maria Perez Garcia, they the parents of  (Jose Timoteo Aguirre married to Maria Ambrosia Placencia, parents of Maria Senovia Aguirre, Tino's Great-Grandmother and her second husband  Juan Nepomuceno Delgadillo Andrade). Maria Senovia and Juan Nepomuceno parents of Maria Hilaria Aguirre Andrade and Maria Andrea Aguirre Andrade. Maria Andrea Aguirre Andrade is Tino's maternal Grandmother.  She and her husband Jose Fernando Aguirre Perez share common ancestry via Nicolas Yanes de Aguirre and Phelipa/Felipa Maria Gonzalez Contreras...


My PAF software program relationship calculator  lists them as spouses as well as 3rd cousins...


Maria Andrea Aguirre ANDRADE (mtDNA) and Jose Fernando Aguirre PEREZ are 3rd cousins. Their common ancestors are Nicolas Yanes de AGUIRRE and Phelipa Maria Gonzalez CONTRERAS.


To date I have not located a marriage record for Jose Fernando Aguirre Perez and Maria Andrea Aguirre Andrade. I do have copies of their death records from Susanville Lassen County CA. USA.

Do in part to spelling variations I missed Abram Flores' question about "who is Manuel Lozano and Maria Agustina de Aguallo?"

This couple I have in my PAF as Jose Manuel Torres Losano and Maria Agustina de Aguayo.

They are also Tino's ancestors...


Pat Silva Corbera

Tracy CA











----- Original Message -----

From: "Armando"
Sent: Wednesday, January 11, 2012 7:52:57 PM
Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] The groom's father

I just realized I gave you the wrong ones. The correct ones that are the
common ancestors of Felipe Armas and Leonarda Lozano are Nicolás de Aguirre
and Felipa Contreras. Manuel Lozano and Maria Agustina de Aguallo would
have caused a need for a dispensa in 4th degree of Margarito Armas Lozano
and Macedonia Jauregui Aguirre.

On Wed, Jan 11, 2012 at 9:11 PM, wrote:

> Abram Flores
> who is manuel lozano and maria agustina de aguallo?

I'd like to mention what actually drew me into taking the time to go back and read the postings with reference to Abram's questions was the patience shown in answering his questions by Rancho members.  It brought to mind, the only "dumb" question is the question not asked...

Yep! Tino's  Perez ancestors from Nochistlan have truly spoken today...
I keep praying that the Corbera "clan," hears and answers my prayers!
Pat Silva Corbera
Tracy CA

----- Original Message -----

From: "Alicia Carrillo"
Sent: Thursday, January 12, 2012 12:51:26 PM
Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] The groom's father

Isn't that amazing. Abram's persistence has caused two people in the group to look seriously at the genealogical information and now they've found a family connection..........I love it!!

Our ancestors speak to us in whatever form is necessary to get our attention.

San Jose, Ca

 From: Pat Corbera
Sent: Thursday, January 12, 2012 11:56 AM
Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] The groom's father

I must admit I got lost in following the exchange between  Abram Flores and Ranchos Members. 


It wasn't until  Armando's correction posting that I realized that Nicolas Yanes de Aguirre and Phelipa/Felipa Maria Gonzalez Contreras are my husband's (Florentino/Tino Corbera) 4th Great Grandparents. 


I have the following:


Nicolas and Phelipa parents of 7 children - (1) Juan Francisco Contreras Aguirre (2) Maria Josepha Gonzalez Aguirre (3) Rosa Maria Contreras Aguirre (4) Maria Gertrudis Contreras Aguirre (5) Maria Salome Contreras Aguirre  (6) Joseph Joaquin Aguirre and (7) Joseph Leonicio Contreras Aguirre.


Child # (6) Joseph Joaquin Aguirre and child # (7) Joseph Leonicio Contreras Aguirre are Tino's 3rd GGFathers.


Child # (6) descends to Tino's Maternal Great Grandmother Maria Aniseta Losano Aguirre and her second marriage to Jose Victoriano Rodriguez Perez, their son Jose Fernando Aguirre Perez is Tino's maternal Grandfather (Jose Fernando Aguirre Perez married Maria Andrea Aguirre Andrade, they the parents of  Maria Refugio Perez born 4 July 1903 Rancho Jabonera, Nochistlan, Zacatecas, who is Tinos' mother).


Child # (7) Joseph Leonicio Aguirre Contreras is also Tino's 3rd GGF married to Juana Maria Perez Garcia, they the parents of  (Jose Timoteo Aguirre married to Maria Ambrosia Placencia, parents of Maria Senovia Aguirre, Tino's Great-Grandmother and her second husband  Juan Nepomuceno Delgadillo Andrade). Maria Senovia and Juan Nepomuceno parents of Maria Hilaria Aguirre Andrade and Maria Andrea Aguirre Andrade. Maria Andrea Aguirre Andrade is Tino's maternal Grandmother.  She and her husband Jose Fernando Aguirre Perez share common ancestry via Nicolas Yanes de Aguirre and Phelipa/Felipa Maria Gonzalez Contreras...


My PAF software program relationship calculator  lists them as spouses as well as 3rd cousins...


Maria Andrea Aguirre ANDRADE (mtDNA) and Jose Fernando Aguirre PEREZ are 3rd cousins. Their common ancestors are Nicolas Yanes de AGUIRRE and Phelipa Maria Gonzalez CONTRERAS.


To date I have not located a marriage record for Jose Fernando Aguirre Perez and Maria Andrea Aguirre Andrade. I do have copies of their death records from Susanville Lassen County CA. USA.

Do in part to spelling variations I missed Abram Flores' question about "who is Manuel Lozano and Maria Agustina de Aguallo?"

This couple I have in my PAF as Jose Manuel Torres Losano and Maria Agustina de Aguayo.

They are also Tino's ancestors...


Pat Silva Corbera

Tracy CA











----- Original Message -----

From: "Armando"
Sent: Wednesday, January 11, 2012 7:52:57 PM
Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] The groom's father

I just realized I gave you the wrong ones. The correct ones that are the
common ancestors of Felipe Armas and Leonarda Lozano are Nicolás de Aguirre
and Felipa Contreras. Manuel Lozano and Maria Agustina de Aguallo would
have caused a need for a dispensa in 4th degree of Margarito Armas Lozano
and Macedonia Jauregui Aguirre.

On Wed, Jan 11, 2012 at 9:11 PM, wrote:

> Abram Flores
> who is manuel lozano and maria agustina de aguallo?

Abram Flores
can you tell me who are these gg-grandparents and the line that connects them to the bride and groom.?please thanks.

Victoriano, you have the wrong padrinos and testigos. The correct padrinos
and testigos are Labrado Durán y Decideria Yanes testigos Telésforo Durán y
Mauricio Lopes. The mother of Felipe has the surname Juarez in all other
records. The father of Leonarda is Serbulo. I had named all of them in my
earlier post.


On Tue, Jan 10, 2012 at 11:16 PM, wrote:

> En la Iglesia Parroquial de Nochistlan a trece de mayo de 1879 yo el
> Presbítero Don Rafael G Portugal teniente de Cura con licencia parroquial
> case y vele in fascie Ecletia a Felipe Armas, soltero de 21 años de edad,
> originario y vecino de la Jabonera, de esta feligresía, hijo legitimo de
> Antonio Armas finado y de Bernarda Suares que vive, con Leonarda Lozano,
> célibe, de 20 años de edad, originaria y vecina del mismo punto, hija
> legitima de ¿¿Pablo?? Lozano y de Luisa Duran que viven. Dispensados por el
> Ilustrísimo Señor Arzobispo por impedimento de consanguinidad de cuarto
> grado igual como se ve en el decreto inserto al frente de esta partida,
> previos los consentimientos necesarios y las diligencias que prescribe el
> Santo Concilio de Trento, sus amonestaciones leídas inter Misamm solemnia
> en tres días festivos que lo fueron el 27 de abril, 4 y 11 de mayo, de las
> que no resultó impedimento alguno aun pasado el término legal, así como el
> examen en la doctrina cri
> stiana y las obligaciones del estado sobre lo que se hallaron
> suficientemente instruidos y la confesión sacramental. Fueron sus padrinos
> Julián de los Santos y Bonifacia Padilla. Testigos Doroteo de los Santos y
> Rosalío Méndez. Para que conste lo firmé con el Señor Cura.
> Ysidro Argüelles Rafael G. Portugal.
> Victoriano Navarro

Ooops! The record doesn't have a nice resolution, so I was going to the previous one (which also has a dispensation) which is more readable to figure out some of the words (like Ilmo. Señor Arzobispo). I guess in the back and forth I ended up transcribing the Padrinos and Testigos from the following record, My bad!
Victoriano Navarro

The two names are Juarez (you can expect to find also spelled at Juares, and sometimes in very old records as Xuares), and Serbulo. I had not seen this other name before, so the combination of hard-to-read handwriting and an unusual name caused the confusion. In Victoriano's first transcription of the document, he was unsure of the name, which he noted with the question marks.

George Fulton
Pleasanton, CA