Hola Every one, I was wondering if Alonso Macias Valadez and Maria de Retamosa the same as Nicolas Macias Valadez and Leonor Retamosa who could be the parents of Pedro ,Alonso,Gaspar,Felipe,Mateo Macias Valadez and Leonor Retamosa (who married Alonso Alba).
Thank you
Ronnie Reynoso
This is what Mariano Gonzalez Leal said in "Retoños de España ...". According to his hypothesis Alonso / Nicolas and Leonor / Maria are the same people mentioned with indistinct names on "Dispensas" that other researchers in the past consulted (Jaime Holcombe, Davila Garibi). However, in the same chapter (Valadez Macias) there are at least two or three errors.
Es lo que Mariano Gonzalez Leal dice en "Retoños de España ...". Segun su hipotesis Alonso/Nicolas y Leonor/Maria son las mismas personas mencionadas con indistintos nombres en "dispensas" que otros investigadores en el pasado consultado (Jaime Holcombe, Davila Garibi). Sin embargo en el mismo capitulo (Macias Valadez) hay al menos dos o tres errores.
Miguel Beltran
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Alonso Macias Valadez and