Nayarit & Euskal Herria

Is anyone here doing research in Nayarit? If you are interested in collaborating, let me know. I have concentrated in Acaponeta and will expand to Ixtlan del Rio, Huaxicori - and north in El Rosario (Sinaloa). I'll be sticking with records between 1700-1900, give or take.

Through one of my families in Nayarit, I have been transported to the Basque Country, and I'm also looking for a partner who has had his/her feet wet in the Basque Country, to share findings or team up and split the work.

I am concentrating on the places listed below:
(Years 1500s - 1600s - and some early 1700s - nothing after 1750)
Etxaguen, Aramaio, Álava
Uribarri, Aramaio, Álava
Ibarra, Aramaio, Álava
Oñate, Guipuzcoa
Bergara, Guipúzcoa
Eskoriatza, Guipúzcoa
Zaldívar, Vizcaya
Abadiño, Vizcaya
Durango (Uribarri), Vizcaya

Please private-message me if you are interested,