Help With Translating/Researching

Hey Everyone,

I've been doing a lot of digging into old films and have been trying to track down my great great grandmother, who is a big mystery seeing as how she died shortly after giving birth to my great grandfather. How shortly is beyond me, my grandfather and his brothers all say different things varying from right after child birth to a month later.

The name of my great grandfather was Fidel Gonzalez Gonzalez, he was born on April 24th, 1918 in Uribes, Villa Guerrero, Jalisco.

His father Bernardo Gonzalez Flores, also born in Uribes, was the son of Felipe Gonzalez Pinedo and Andrea Flores Mayorga. Bernardo died in August 8th, 1935

His birth still boggles me as there appear to be 3 different possible years he was born (86,88, and the least likely 80) though all 3 of my sources confirm it's the same person.

Fidel also had two sisters, which I believe were full sisters based from what I recall at his eulogy and the way my grandfather spoke of them:
Soledad Gonzalez about 1912
Gabriela Gonzalez about 1906

I, however, am not sure how reliable their birth dates are as they come from the same source saying that Bernardo was born in in 1880.

The person I'm trying to find is Fidel's mother. I know her last name is Gonzalez but am not sure about her first name. An aunt told me that it was Asuncion, however, this has not yielded any results. Recently I found a marriage record for Bernardo Gonzalez marrying a "Presentacion Gonzalez" but a lot of the terminology is beyond my Spanish:

(…) Upper right hand corner

I was wondering if someone could translate this for me or if anyone is familiar with this certain family.


Martin Gonzalez