Angela Lucia Vidro AKA Andrade, Lopez

The new Matrimonial Dispensations posted today #168133, Image 398,…

lists the parents of Alejo Rafael Pelayo as: Miguel Pelayo (AKA Miguel Cayetano Pelayo) and Angela Lucia Vidro. It also gives the Tree, I'm assuming Lopez family, for the father of the bride, Nicolas Lopez and Angela Lucia--I've seen several other trees from our group with Angela Lucia being the deadend. Now it looks like this may be a clue.

It lists her mother as Francisca, grandmother as Lucia Lopez, and GGrand as Antonio. I did locate a baptism for Lucia Lopez (28 December, 1670 in Tuxcacuesco, but no Lazaro Lopez with the same parents. Any help or ideas would be greatly appreciated--this carrot is a bit frustrating!

Deedra Corona