testaments aguascalientes aguascalientes


If you want to find a testament for someone who died in 1641 in Aguascalientes, and where it is stated in the death entry that he had heirs (seven children altogether) where do you look? I could only find links to baptisms, confirmaciones, defunciones, info matr, and matrimonios. The person I am researching is Juan Sotelo. I am trying to find out if and how he is related to Francisco Sotelo, and who his parents were.


Jose de Jesus Barba Ornelas
Ola,saludos a todos: Desciendo de Juan Sotelo casada en Aguascalientes con Maria Gonzalez, mi ascendiente se fue a Leon, Guanajuato y alli caso tres veses, el usa el apellido Masias y una señora de apellido Siordia Medina,Masias, Valdivia,llamada Luisa, en su testamento lo menciona como su sobrino, no detallo bien el nombre y apellido de Luisa por no tener esa informacion a la mano,la tengo en un archivo empaquetado y guardado por razon de haber cambiado de domicilio, proximamente les hare llegar los nombres correctos. Me apunto por si consiguen el testamente de Juan Sotelo.



In reply to by joseph_barba

Denise Fastrup
Muchas gracias Jose!
Your information links Juan sotelo to the Siordia name, which i understand was not a common name at that time. Judging from Ramons recent reply, the documents i need will come back online (hopefully soon). Perhaps then i will be able to piece together the relationships. One question for you: have you seen any information about where juan sotelo was boen?


Jose de Jesus Barba Ornelas
Ola,saludos a todos: Desciendo de Juan Sotelo casada en Aguascalientes con Maria Gonzalez, mi ascendiente se fue a Leon, Guanajuato y alli caso tres veses, el usa el apellido Masias y una señora de apellido Siordia Medina,Masias, Valdivia,llamada Luisa, en su testamento lo menciona como su sobrino, no detallo bien el nombre y apellido de Luisa por no tener esa informacion a la mano,la tengo en un archivo empaquetado y guardado por razon de haber cambiado de domicilio, proximamente les hare llegar los nombres correctos. Me apunto por si consiguen el testamente de Juan Sotelo.



Ramon Baez: ¿And you're sure that Juan Sotelo, leave last will? ¿say that in her death certificate?
There is a web site of government of Aguascalientes, where they have many files in Commercial and legal Affairs: http://eservicios.aguascalientes.gob.mx/seggob/acervodigital/bienvenido…
I also looking for a Last Will of 1659 in Aguascalientes: http://www.nuestrosranchos.org/node/21444 . I hope you serve the link. Regards

Thanks Ramon! I'll check it out. Yes the record of death does mentiona a testamento, which he signed before the alcalde mayor and his escribano, here is a link to the image in case you or anyone else is curious:


I don't understand everthing in it, but I get the impression he was a man of means.


Hi Ramon

I have been to the website and it does have some good stuff! However, the links do not work. Maybe it is just my computer. Could you go to this link, click on Ver Documento for Nicolas de Esparza (testamento) and see if it will take you to the image of the document? None of the links worked for me (I tried several).



ps I thought I had saved links (bookmarked) several interesting entries, but it turns out all the bookmarks I made only take me to the first page, and there are 350pages, of which I had skimmed through the first 100 or so....Domingo Ruiz de Esparza turned up a lot, but I also saw links to the testaments for both Juana Siordia and Maria Siordia, and cases involving Antonio Femat...have not yet found the testament for Juan Sotelo.

Hi Denise: the "Digital Archive" of the Government of Aguascalientes, are in reforming or reorganizing. For my research, today: I telephoned to the director of the file, and she tells me "soon" return in line, the files. Ramon Baez

Hi Denise,

I know it's been a while since your original post, but in case you don't have this resource:

Go to: http://sigue.aguascalientes.gob.mx/axweb/

To log-in:
User Name: sigue.publica
Password: publica

Once the page opens, right-click on SGG-ARCHIVO-HISTORICO-ACERVOS COLONIALES SIGLOS XVII XIX (if you're on a Mac, double-finger click)

Then select "New Query."

Once the page opens, in the dropbox that says LUGAR, select Aguascalientes.

Then, in the dropbox that says "TIPO DOCUMENTAL," select TESTAMENTO.

Type in the name of your ancestor in the field that says 'CONTRATANTES" and click submit. If your ancestor's name doesn't appear, try different spellings, or don't enter a name at all, and click "submit," the entire list will open and you can scan through it.

I hope that helps. Good luck!

Manny Diez Hermosillo

If you place asterisks (*) before and after a word in any field it will search that field for anything that contains the text between the asterisks, otherwise you will need an exact match.

There is a 1654 will and testament for a Juan Sotelo in that archive.

Hello Denise et al

Some time ago I had already searched for information in this site and at that time somehow I was able to browse through the files succesfully (serendipity), yesterday I visited the site again and I wouldn´t have had succes had I not seen the tip Armando gave us.

I looked for Juan Sotelos will and it seems to me that it is not available, it doesn´t appear, well, I forgot trying "JUAN ARIAS" maybe that could bring some results.

I did see a document dated on 1654 concerning one Sotelo but it is not Juan, it is a lease contract between Don Francisco de Sotelo and a Mr. Quixas : Mr Quixas is reported as the owner of two houses with orchards and he rents them to Mr. Sotelo; they agree on the price and time frame, etc.. I saw many documents listed containing interesting lastnames as Ruíz de Esparza and Siordia, etc. but most of them are dated in the mid 1700´s.

Juan´s last will must be somewhere and somebody will find it sonner or later, however, another very important will : Fernando de Sotelo´s last will may not be that imposible to find since we already know that it was written in 1625 , some short days before his death in the same year as el padre Ibarrola reports in his book. I´m sure el padre Ibarrola saw the will so it has to be in Morelia´s church files.

As you already know, Morelia´s files in familysearch are hundreds of documents with hundreds of images but knowing the year of the "problem" file will help a lot.

Best Regards

Carlos A. Peredo