Does anyone have birthdates and places for the children from this marriage? Thanks.
I have Francisco Velasco and Maria Ceron married Nov 19, 1636 in Mix1uiahuala, Hidalgo, Mexico
Church record states that Francisco is a "national de la ciudad de Sevilla" His parents are listed as Antonio de Velasco and Maria de Arce I suppose they are from Sevilla also.
Maria Ceron's parents are listed as Juan Ceron And Agustina Perez (both deceased )
Their children I have are:
Juan Velasco Ceron Baptized Nov 2, 1636, San Antonio Mixquiahuala, Hidalgo
Francisco Velasco Ceron - Baptized Jan 12, 1638, San Antonio, Mixqiahula
( he married Nicolasa Ruiz de Esparza Nov 19, 1665, Aguascalientes, Ags.
Francisco Velasco is my 9th generation great grandfather
Aurora Romo
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Hi Aurora,
According to Miguel de Velasco (who married María de Espinosa July 31, 1692 in Aguascalientes) his father Francisco de Velasco was a mestizo, the son of an "indian" woman and an "español". Your research indicates that his parents were Francisco de Velasco and María Ceron of Mixquihuala, Hidalgo. Was María Ceron an indian?
Here is the link to the document where Miguel de Velasco declared that his father was a mestizo:…
A transcription of the first lines is as follows:
(...) "= Dijo llamarse Miguel de Velasco
y que es hijo legitimo de Francisco de Velasco y Nicolasa
Ruiz de Esparza y que es natural de esta Villa. = Si[endole]
preguntado que calidad y estado tiene = Dijo [ ]
y sin duda no es enteramente Español porque su Padre [es]
mestizo por ser hijo de una India y de un Español
que el no sabe lo que puede ser que es de estado [si]
fuese preguntado"...etc. etc.
Which source did you find that confirms that Francisco de Velasco (who married Nicolasa Ruiz de Esparza in Aguascalientes) is the son of Francisco Velasco and Maria Ceron of Mixquihuala, Hidalgo? Any information will be greatly appreciated.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, May 04, 2013 10:45 PM
Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Francisco Velasco and Maria Ceron
I have Francisco Velasco and Maria Ceron married Nov 19, 1636 in Mix1uiahuala, Hidalgo, Mexico
Church record states that Francisco is a "national de la ciudad de Sevilla" His parents are listed as Antonio de Velasco and Maria de Arce I suppose they are from Sevilla also.
Maria Ceron's parents are listed as Juan Ceron And Agustina Perez (both deceased )
Their children I have are:
Juan Velasco Ceron Baptized Nov 2, 1636, San Antonio Mixquiahuala, Hidalgo
Francisco Velasco Ceron - Baptized Jan 12, 1638, San Antonio, Mixqiahula
( he married Nicolasa Ruiz de Esparza Nov 19, 1665, Aguascalientes, Ags.
Francisco Velasco is my 9th generation great grandfather
Aurora Romo
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Thanks for info but a son was baptized 11/2/1636 and the parents married 11/19/1636?? is this a typo?
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The church records for Francisco Velasco and Maria Ceron stated they were married Nov 19, 1636
The baptism church records for Juan Velasco Ceron found in Bautismos 1632-1672 in Mixquiahala. Hidalgo on Image 24 is listed as Nov. 2, 1636.
Bill Figueroa,
The information about Francisco Velasco who married Nicolasa Ruiz being the child of Francisco Velasco and Maria Ceron was on one of the Family Search sites. It is on one that is not always accurate. Since I found the info I have been trying to find actual documentation. If Francisco Velasco’s mother was India as the Info Matrimonial states for Miguel Velasco perhaps their mother is not Maria Ceron. If I read the Baptism document of Juan Velasco correctly it states that both his parents are españoles
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yes, sometimes people wouldn't get married until after their first child was born.
also, like haciendaromo said, church records weren't always a hundred percent accurate. sometimes, you could have two children from from the same parents being given casta labels.
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Francisco Velasco and Maria Ceron