Jewish Reference in the Mexican Colonial Era. 1521-1821. LINAJES CAMPOS, NUNEZ, TRISTAN, DE SILVA, SUEREZ DE FIGUEROA ETC


I obtained this reference and would like to assist if anyone would like me to look up a name. The book is a Guide to Jewish Reference in the Mexican Colonial Era. 1521-1821. By Seymour B.Liebman.

Here is a list of some names confessed jews according to mexican inquisition in the mean time from the year, 1642. I find this reference helpful both for tracing Jewish ancestry and linking to spain.

Ana Tristan and all with origin surname de nueva espana of Tristan
Juana Mendez

Francisco de Campos, son of Alvaro Nunez de Segovia and Cridonia Campos
Micaela and Rafaela, Enriquez.
Nuno de Silva
Pedro de Castro
Ana de Campos
Diego de Campos
Gabriel Arias
Diego Tinoco
Alvaro de Acuna
Juan de Ayllon
Catalina Moldanado
Diego Suerez de Figueroa
Melchior Rodriguez de Huerte (a)