Hi, my name is Stacy Latocha and I am trying to continue research on my
family. I know that two of my great-grandparents were born in the Nuestros
Ranchos area. Great Grandfather Francisco Reyes was born in Zacatecas and
died in Torreon in December 1944. I have had absolutely zero luck finding
anything out about him at all.
Great Grandmother Maria Juana Joaquina Garcia born in San Juan de los Lagos
16 August 1888. I have been able to tease out her background to a degree,
but I would like to go further.
I am at the marriage record for her grandparents Don Cipriano Garcia and
Dona Teodosia Franco. However I am now stuck! I cannot read this or make
sense of it. Can someone with a further background in the abbreviations
help me? I am looking at the second record down on the left. None of my
Spanish speaking family can help me.
Any suggestions regarding Zacatecas research would be appreciated.
Stacy, it says the following in Spanish;
En la Villa de S Juan a 12 de Febrero de ochocientos sincuenta y cinco el Pbro D Luis Losano con licencia del S Cura, presb del respetivo consentimiento, case y vele (religious church language)Dn Cipriano Garcia de treinta y tres anos de edad, originario y vesino de esta villa, viudo de Doña Antonia Ramires, sepultada en el campo santo de Lagos hase 5 años, hijo legitimo del finado don Marical Garcia y Da Tomasa Ornelas y Da Teodocia Franco, celive de 24 años de edad, originaria de Villa de la Encarnacion y vecina aqui hase 6 años, hija legitima de D Calletano Franco y de la finada, Da Filomena Guzman. Tomadas sus declaraciones. followed by Church language..............Padrinos, D Juan Ca y Da Rosalia Gallo. Fueron testigos, Miguel Medina y Julian Ramires.
I have included only the pertinent facts/data and not the required church verbage
San Jose, Ca
From: Stacy Latocha Newelt
To: research@lists.nuestrosranchos.org
Sent: Tuesday, August 27, 2013 12:45 PM
Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Introduction of Stacy Latocha
Hi, my name is Stacy Latocha and I am trying to continue research on my
family. I know that two of my great-grandparents were born in the Nuestros
Ranchos area. Great Grandfather Francisco Reyes was born in Zacatecas and
died in Torreon in December 1944. I have had absolutely zero luck finding
anything out about him at all.
Great Grandmother Maria Juana Joaquina Garcia born in San Juan de los Lagos
16 August 1888. I have been able to tease out her background to a degree,
but I would like to go further.
I am at the marriage record for her grandparents Don Cipriano Garcia and
Dona Teodosia Franco. However I am now stuck! I cannot read this or make
sense of it. Can someone with a further background in the abbreviations
help me? I am looking at the second record down on the left. None of my
Spanish speaking family can help me.
Any suggestions regarding Zacatecas research would be appreciated.
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Thank you very much. I think the biggest problem was being able to read the writing.
I really appreciate it!! You just lead me to my great-grandmother's great-grandmother (thanks to Family Search!)
Also, just in case anyone else reads this, Francisco Reyes was from Fresnillo, Zacatecas.
Stacy Latocha
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I have Aurelia Garcia Franco, born 15 Nov 1867 in San Juan de los Lagos, daughter of Cipriano Garcia and Teodosia Franco. The writing on her birth record is tough to read, but the paternal/maternal grandparents look to be the same, so she must be an older sister of Maria Juana Joaquina Garcia. Aurelia Garcia married Atanasio Becerra 7 Sep 1891, in San Juan de los Lagos. Her parents are both listed as living at that time. Do you have additional dates - birth/death -for Cipriano Garcia and Teodosia Franco?
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Introduction of Stacy Latocha