DNAgedcom Files Help


I need to download a Chromosome Browser file from www.dnagedcom.com through the Family Tree DNA link, for the Nueva Galicia DNA project, which I did.

However, when I open it, there's nothing there except some headers. I thought there would be other info.

What should I be seeing, and what am I doing wrong? FYI, I use Firefox on a MacBook Pro.

Laura Gonzalez

Hi Laura,
Just wanted to let you know that you appear as a 5th cousin in my Familyfinder matches.  Let's compare info.
Thanks, Alice Bravo Blake

From: "mayangrl@sonic.net"
To: research@lists.nuestrosranchos.org
Sent: Monday, October 7, 2013 9:59 PM
Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] DNAgedcom Files Help

I need to download a Chromosome Browser file from http://www.dnagedcom.com/ through the Family Tree DNA link, for the Nueva Galicia DNA project, which I did.

However, when I open it, there's nothing there except some headers.  I thought there would be other info. 
What should I be seeing, and what am I doing wrong?  FYI, I use Firefox on a MacBook Pro.

Thanks, Laura Gonzalez