My e-mailed Introduction

I'm new to this process and to this site. I'm trying to track down my ancestor's, Francisco Villanueva Andrade's, family line. He was born in San Deigo, Quiltupan, Jalisco in 1926. Right now, I'm trying to locate his parent's birth, death certificate information and hopefully their marriage information. Their names are: Faustino Orozco and Antonia Andrade Medina.

I was told Antonia was a very devoted Catholic. I was told she was instrumental in helping their local Parrish building come to be (she contacted the Catholic Church and got the ball rolling to get a priest there...worked in the church until the day she died, and she even raised funds to get the building and priest there). The name of the Parrish is: Parroquia del SAGRADO CORAZON DE JESUS , EN SANTA CLARA DE VALLADARES MUNICIPIO DE TOCUMBO MICHOACAN. CP. 59961. I'm not familiar with Mexico addresses and I tried to Google the Parrish to get more information regarding it and got nothing. I even tried a Catholic website for a Parrish locator and got nothing. I've searched for this couple on at a local family history center and got nothing. I've also searched for them on and got nothing...again.

So, here's my questions...1-What is the best route to take in trying to locate their birth and death information when I am in the US and this information is in Jalisco, Mexico? 2-Is there another database with lots of Mexican files, or do I need to start trying to obtain this information by snail mail or using the "old-school" genie research way? 3-The Parish I mentioned above, is this an address? If not, anyone know how I can locate their address? 3-Would the Parrish have this information? Is this a good place to start in gathering family information? I appreciate anyone who can help me with my questions and/or any tips on genie research.
Thank you in advance for your help.
M. Lowry

Looks like this is the parish's YouTube channel.

Here's a satellite map and some pertinent info about the town of Santa Clara de Valladares in the municipio (county) of Tacumbo in Michoacan:

So, Santa Clara de Valladares, Michoacan is about an hour or so SE of Quitupan, Jalisco. They're near the border between those states, so over time the parish and its records may have changed between states, keep that in mind when you're looking.

What you posted looks like the parish address, including postal code (cp), so you should be able to write them, too. "Known Addresses" are valid in Mexico.

How's your Spanish? Because the Wikipedia on Tocumbo is great in Spanish, woefully inadequate in English.
I noticed someone named Andrade was one of the town elders in 1800. Maybe a relative of yours?

Added: Address and phone number for Sagrado Corazon parish from the Zamora, Michoacan diocese. I'm not sure how current this info is.
59961 - INGENIO SANTA CLARA. Parroquia del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús.
Notaría Parroquial Tel. 01 (354) 54 2 14 84
-Sr. Cura Luis Manuel Oseguera Fernández

Added: More maps and pertinent info, photos.…

I'm on a road trip and not driving, so I'll keep looking and adding. I like a good detective hunt '-)

Sandra Velez

Sandra, thank you so much. My Spanish is okay, but my writing needs work. I will try to write them. Hope you enjoy your road trip! Thanks for the websites. This helps! M Lowry

David Serna Quitupan, Jalisco church records…
baptism record of Francisco Villanueva Andrade, 16 Octubre 1926 born in the Puesto de San Diego, in the Parroquia of Quitupan, Jalisco. Hijo legitimo de Faustino Villanueva and Antonia Andrade
Abuelos Paternos Juan Villanueva and Juana (Orozco)?
Abuelos Maternos Nicanor Andrade and Genoveva Medina

page number page 143. Number of the Act 356.

This is image no 334 of 648. The index for this year is image 250 of 648.
here is the link…
San Diego may be the place now called Lazero Cardenas just S.E. Of Quitupan.
You can google it.. add the words either Telepaisa or Pueblos America.

Wow! That is him. How on earth did you find it? Thank you so much! This made my day.
I'll look into the name change of the town. I appreciate the help. M Lowry

Sorry about this e-mail. I read your message wrong. I thought I was suppose to send this to you instead of just posting it on the forum.

Subject: My e-mailed Introduction
Date: Thu, 1 May 2014 10:27:51 -0700

I'm new to this process and to this site. I'm trying to track down my ancestor's, Francisco Villanueva Andrade's, family line. He was born in San Deigo, Quiltupan, Jalisco in 1926. Right now, I'm trying to locate his parent's birth, death certificate information and hopefully their marriage information. Their names are: Faustino Orozco and Antonia Andrade Medina.

I was told Antonia was a very devoted Catholic. I was told she was instrumental in helping their local Parrish building come to be (she contacted the Catholic Church and got the ball rolling to get a priest there...worked in the church until the day she died, and she even raised funds to get the building and priest there). The name of the Parrish is: Parroquia del SAGRADO CORAZON DE JESUS , EN SANTA CLARA DE VALLADARES MUNICIPIO DE TOCUMBO MICHOACAN. CP. 59961. I'm not familiar with Mexico addresses and I tried to Google the Parrish to get more information regarding it and got nothing. I even tried a Catholic website for a Parrish locator and got nothing. I've searched for this couple on at a local family history center and got nothing. I've also searched for them on and got nothing...again.

So, here's my questions...1-What is the best route to take in trying to locate their birth and death information when I am in the US and this information is in Jalisco, Mexico? 2-Is there another database with lots of Mexican files, or do I need to start trying to obtain this information by snail mail or using the "old-school" genie research way? 3-The Parish I mentioned above, is this an address? If not, anyone know how I can locate their address? 3-Would the Parrish have this information? Is this a good place to start in gathering family information? I appreciate anyone who can help me with my questions and/or any tips on genie research.
Thank you in advance for your help.
M. Lowry