Antonio Ruiz & Ana de Sepúlveda / Zacatecas

I found this posting mentioning the discovery on Familysearch a document in which they mention the names of the parents of Jacinto García de Sepúlveda, husband of Clara de Rentería (they lived in Cerralvo, Nuevo León in the mid 1600's): (By Diego Mata Cos)

The father is not Antón, as stated by many, but Antonio. In the document some call him Antonio Ruiz, and others Antonio García. The mother is Ana de Sepúlveda, as previously stated by many, and they were neighbors of the city of Zacatecas. Anybody has found any other documents regarding them?

Thanks to the author since I'll finally add Jacinto's parent's names to my tree now that there's an actual document to backup the information.

Victoriano Navarro