How to write source on Lope Ruiz de Esparza's document.

I'm getting ready to add the information on Lope Ruiz de Esparza found in the book Catalago de Pasajeros a Indias Volumen VII. While browsing other messages, I found out that the original document was found and made available by Mr. Arturo Ramos (thank you so much) in this group.

I hope somebody who has used this document can help me. I was able to download it from nuestros ranchos, but how do I reference it? Where exactly was it found? Are these books (the original contrataciones) available online? While comparing both documents, I notice that on the Catalogo they transcribe Lope's boss's last name as Manleon and Maleon, while in the original document it looks like Mauleon. I googled both spellings and it looks like Mauleon is the right spelling. Anyways, any help on how to source this document will be greatly appreciated.

Steve in NC

The citation for Lope Ruis de Esparza, is in volume III, the entry is cited as #2.633.

The book has been digitized and is available from Family Search, but it appears you may have to go to a Family History Center to see it as the online catalog says it is "protected." Each entry has a reference to the source document in the Archivo General de Indias (for vol III, #2.633 in this case).

The introductory material explains the citations in the entries.

Thus you can cite the book as published noting the specific page and entry with the reference to the original source.

George Fulton