Introduction and information on Ysabel Macias

Hello Nuestros Ranchos Forum

I'm Danny and I've been researching my family for about a month. It started
as a school project but then I became really interested after it was over.
My Spanish teacher that's LDS was helping me read the records. I'm not sure
of the actual ranches that my familes ancestors are from, but they're
mostly on records from the Encarnacion de Diaz section of Family Search.
Ive traced my family to Ysabel Masias and Juan Antonio De Robalcaba married
in El Sagrario, Aguascalientes, Aguascalientes, Mexico on May 27th 1764 but
the record wasn't readable, even by my teacher. Thank you for letting me be
in the forum and if the forum knows who Ysabel Masias's ancestors are
please tell me.

Danny C. Alonso

Hi Emilie,
I descend from your Magdalenos, and this family can get confusing because they use multiple surnames and given names. But, those are not the correct parents of your Bernabé Magdaleno (de Don Diego).  This dispensa shows that Ildefonso González and María Antonia Magdaleno were second cousins and received a waiver in the 3rd degree and it shows both descend from (Juan) Don Diego Magdaleno and (Michaela) Rosa de Aguirre (Mendoza)/Limón:…

As you can see from the dispensa, your Bernabé Magdaleno is the son of (Juan) Joseph Magdaleno and Isabel Limón. And, (Juan) Joseph Magdaleno is the son of (Juan) Don Diego Magdaleno and (Michaela) Rosa de Aguirre(Mendoza)Limón.

Bernabé Magdaleno (de Don Diego) married María Gertrudis Pérez on 29 Oct 1752 in Santa María de los Lagos, Jalisco, México:…

María Gertrudis Pérez is the daughter of Joseph Pérez de Ornelas and Quitería de Luera. Joseph Pérez de Ornelas and Quitería de Luera married 10 Feb 1732 in Santa María de los Lagos:…

Quitería de Luera is the daughter of Jacinto de Luera and Theresa Martel.  Joseph Pérez de Ornelas is the son of Marcos Pérez de Ornelas and María López. In "Sagrada Mitra de Guadalajara" by Maria de la Luz Montejano Hilton on page 567, #2850, there is a dispensa that lists the parents of Marcos Pérez de Ornelas and María López:

Lagos de Moreno. Jal. Marzo 27 de 1702. Exp. 212.- Dispensa de tercero con segundo grado de consanguinidad.- Marcos de Ornelas, español de 23 años de edad. orginarío y vecino de esta feligresía de Santa María de los Lagos, hijo legítimo de Juan Pérez y de Leonor de Ruvalcaba. difunta, con María López, española por su aspecto parece ser de 20 años de edad, originaría de la feligresía de Xalostotitlan y vecina de esta feligresía, hija legítima de Rafael de Mendoza y de Cathalina López, difunta. Declaración del pretenso: Porque Beatriz López fué hermana de Cathalina López, y la dicha Beatriz López, tuvo por hijo a Juan Pérez, y éste me tuvo por su hijo, y la dicha Cathalina López, tuvo por hija a María López, pretensa. 13 fojas.

Christopher de Cuellar


Yes --- Bernabe and Gertrudis were the gggg-grandparents of my husband Antonio C. Garcia. Their daughter Maria Antonia Magdaleno married Yldefonso Joseph Gonzales. Their son Gregorio Gonzales married Maria Ramona Ornelas. Their daughter Antonia Gonzales married Estanislado de Jesus Garcia. Their son Simon Garcia married Marciana Cervantes. Their son Primitivo Garcia married Maria Hinojosa de Gutierrez. Their son Enrique Garcia married Maria de la Paz Acosta, and their son is my husband Antonio Carlos Garcia. Antonio and his father Enrique were born in El Paso, TX. Everybody else was born (in his paternal line) in Encarnacion.

Did you find Bernabe's and Gertrudis' parents? I couldn't find them.


Port Orchard, WA
> Date: Fri, 13 Feb 2015 18:52:13 -0800
> From:
> To:
> Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Introduction and information on Ysabel Macias
> Emilie,
> Is your Bernabé Magdaleno married to Gertrudis Pérez?
> Paige

Paige, Apparently Bernabe had a second wife after Gertrudis, and in the baptism of their daughter Luciana it gives his parents' names, Pedro Antonio Magdaleno and Peronila Cervantes.

Name:Maria Luciana Magdaleno Magdaleno Gender: Female Christening Date: 03 Jun 1811 Christening Place: LA ENCARNACION, ENCARNACION DE DIAZ, JALISCO, MEXICO Father's Name:Bernave Magdaleno Mother's Name:Anastacia Magdaleno Paternal Grandfather's Name: Pedro Antonio Magdaleno Paternal Grandmother's Name: Petronila Cervantes Maternal Grandfather's Name: Jose Maria Magdaleno Maternal Grandmother's Name: Magdalena Belasquez Indexing Project (Batch) Number: C60269-2 , System Origin: Mexico-VR , GS Film number: 1155173 , Reference ID: 2:VVHXL6

> From:
> To:
> Date: Fri, 13 Feb 2015 20:40:25 -0800
> Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Introduction and information on Ysabel Macias
> Paige,
> Yes --- Bernabe and Gertrudis were the gggg-grandparents of my husband Antonio C. Garcia. Their daughter Maria Antonia Magdaleno married Yldefonso Joseph Gonzales. Their son Gregorio Gonzales married Maria Ramona Ornelas. Their daughter Antonia Gonzales married Estanislado de Jesus Garcia. Their son Simon Garcia married Marciana Cervantes. Their son Primitivo Garcia married Maria Hinojosa de Gutierrez. Their son Enrique Garcia married Maria de la Paz Acosta, and their son is my husband Antonio Carlos Garcia. Antonio and his father Enrique were born in El Paso, TX. Everybody else was born (in his paternal line) in Encarnacion.
> Did you find Bernabe's and Gertrudis' parents? I couldn't find them.
> Thanks,
> Emilie
> Port Orchard, WA
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > Date: Fri, 13 Feb 2015 18:52:13 -0800
> > From:
> > To:
> > Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Introduction and information on Ysabel Macias
> >
> > Emilie,
> >
> > Is your Bernabé Magdaleno married to Gertrudis Pérez?
> >
> > Paige
> > -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
> > Nuestros Ranchos Research Mailing List
> >
> > To post, send email to:
> > research(at)
> >
> > To change your subscription, log on to:
> >


I looked at your tree for a long time and tried to see if I connected but I
don't think my tree has enough to connect yet. I'll keep looking to see and
maybe I will soon. Maybe your Bernabe Magdaleno is related to my new
ancestor Simon Magdaleno.

Danny C. Alonso


I only have been looking at Nuestros Ranchos and Family Search, I didn't
know there was another place to look but if you have other places I can
look I will. My url has my tree at the bottom. That's as far as I've gone
except for the new people Armando and Chris gave me and I added parents for
Emiliano Alonso's wife Ysabel Cuellar. They are Cristobal Cuellar and
Refugia Alonso.

Danny C. Alonso


You can view my trees on Nuestros Ranchos by going to Files, Members Genealogy Files, click on "G", then find my name Emilie Garcia. In there I have two trees, one for my husband and one for my father. Click on "Garcia-Cervantes Tree" to view my husband's family tree.

My husband Antonio Carlos Garcia was born in 1935 in El Paso, and his father Enrique Garcia was also born in El Paso, in 1909. His grandfather, Primitivo Garcia was born in Encarnacion. He came to El Paso with his parents Simon Garcia and Marciana Cervantes around 1895 from Encarnacion. I see your Manuel Alonso was born in El Paso. Maybe your Manuel Alonso (your grandfather?) knew Primitivo and Simon Garcia. They were merchants in El Paso, owned grocery stores, butcher shops, bakeries, vulcanizing shops, taxi companies, boarding houses. What a small world. Do you still have relatives in El Paso? My husband Tony only has one cousin left there, Adrian Garcia, who is in his 80s..

I will e-mail you privately if I find any connection, and you do likewise.

Glad to see you on Nuestros Ranchos. Oh, the other websites I use besides Nuestros Ranchos and Family Search are World Connect on Rootsweb (which is free), and which is by subscription only. You can go to a Family Search library at your local Mormon stake church and use their computers. Some have several websites you can access for free. I also belong to many websites that have databases such as GenWeb,, Fold3, MyHeritage, etc. I think you might be able to Google "genealogy databases". The people at the stake would probably give you the best information, since not all LDS members know what the volunteers at the stakes do unless they have done extensive research themselves.

Best regards,



> Date: Thu, 12 Feb 2015 17:34:30 -0800
> From:
> To:
> Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Introduction and information on Ysabel Macias
> Emilie,
> I only have been looking at Nuestros Ranchos and Family Search, I didn't
> know there was another place to look but if you have other places I can
> look I will. My url has my tree at the bottom. That's as far as I've gone
> except for the new people Armando and Chris gave me and I added parents for
> Emiliano Alonso's wife Ysabel Cuellar. They are Cristobal Cuellar and
> Refugia Alonso.
> Danny C. Alonso

Hi Danny,

No problem, and welcome to the group. I would make sure to always go to the website, it's definitely easier to follow. Plus, sometimes you won't receive all the emails. Yes, Josepha de Aguirre and Josepha Magdaleno are the same person. The naming practices in those times were different and as you get more familiar with the region you'll notice women would often use the name of their mother or grandmother. The following dispensa shows that Josepha Magdaleno is the daughter of Simón Magdaleno and Josefa Guzmán and that Simón Magdaleno is the son of Diego Magdaleno and Mariana de Aguirre:…
And, this dispensa shows that Josefa Guzmán is the daughter of Melchor de Guzmán and Jacinta Gutiérrez Coronado:…

Christopher de Cuellar

Thank you for the information Chris. I was having trouble following all the
information. But, now I look on the website. I think I added everyone and
have it all but is Josepha de Aguirre is also Josepha Magdaleno and her
mother is Josepha Gusman and her father is Simon Magdaleno?

Danny C. Alonso


What website have you been looking at? My husband shares most of the surnames from Encarnacion de Diaz (Macias, Rubalcaba, Aguirre, Magdaleno) you have mentioned, and I would like to see if somewhere there is a common ancestor. Do you have any Cervantes, Ornelas, Morones, or Garcia?


Port Orchard, WA
> Date: Wed, 11 Feb 2015 18:35:58 -0800
> From:
> To:
> Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Introduction and information on Ysabel Macias
> Thank you for the information Chris. I was having trouble following all the
> information. But, now I look on the website. I think I added everyone and
> have it all but is Josepha de Aguirre is also Josepha Magdaleno and her
> mother is Josepha Gusman and her father is Simon Magdaleno?
> Danny C. Alonso


You're welcome. Chris deserves a thank you also since he put us on the right track for the parents of Isabel Macias.

There are some of your ancestors that is didn't mention because some I don't have the documented proof and I ran out of time to look for the proof. They are most likely mentioned somewhere in this site but you still want to look for the proof if not contained in a post or a tree.


Hi Armando,
I agree, I think the age of Juan Antonio de Rubalcava is wrong on the IM. I have him as 34 years old at the time he married 20 year old Isabel Macías, based on this baptism with Pedro Alonso de los Hinojos as his padrino:…
I guess this Juan Antonio de Rubalcava could've died and they had another Juan Antonio de Rubalcava born some years later, but, certainly not as late as the IM suggests. For now, I'm using this one.

Yes, it sure does look like that is her. It also coincides with her given age of 20 in her IM of 1764.

The Trillo connection is interesting because Teresa de Trillo y Alonso de los Hinojos, a niece of Juan Manuel de Trillo y Villalpando, married Juan Joseph González de Rubalcava y Villalobos "originario y vezino de este partido en La Estanzuela" on 14 June 1744


Thank you for the information on my ancestors Armando. I didn't just want
information on Ysabel Maciases parents, I just didn't think I was allowed
to ask about more than one person. but I also needed information on Juan
Antonio De Robalcaba. Thank you. I didn't have any of the people you gave
me. Ysabel Macias and Juan Antonio De Robalcaba are the ancestors i have in
the 18th century. My other ancestors I havent traced outside of the 19th
century and 20th century.

Danny C. Alonso

Thanks to Christopher, now that we have the correct marriage record of the parents of Isabel Macias. The parents of Joseph Manuel Macias are mentioned as Juan Macías and Juan(a) Ernandez which are Juan Macías Valadez y Durán y Vega and Juana Gómez de Espejo married 12 June 1683 in Aguascalientes. Top left at

The parent of Juan Macías Valadez were Joseph Macías Valadez and Catalina Vega per that marriage record. The parent of Joseph Macías Valadez were Alonso Macías Valadez and Maria Alvarez per the dispensa at

Alonso is proven to be a brother of Mateo per the dispensa at and Mateo is proven to be a brother of Leonor per the dispensa at

His burial record of 27 Jan 1645 is at which states he died at his ranch La Labor de San Nicolás. He didn't have a will due to being poor.

The parents of Juana Gómez de Espejo were Juan Hernández and Ana Dominguez. The parents of Juan Hernández are supposedly Domingo Hernández Gamiño and Juana Gómez de Espejo but I can't find the proof of that.

The parents of Ana Dominguez were Pedro Alonso de los Hinojos and Ana Magdalena Domínguez per the following dispensas at and

Pedro Alonso de los Hinojos and Ana Magdalena Domínguez were married 3 May 1620 in Pinos, Zacatecas per GONZÁLEZ-LEAL, MARIANO. (2011). Retoños de España en La Nueva Galicia. Guadalajara: Gobierno de Jalisco and an LDS sheet by Mary Lou Montagna.

See also and

Thank you sir for the additional ancestors. Is this the wedding of Ysabel
Macias's parents

Name:Joseph Manuel Macias
Name:Maria Josepha De Aguilar
Event Date:01 Oct 1762Event
Place:El Sagrario,Aguascalientes,Aguascalientes,Mexico
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: M60485-1

, System Origin: Mexico-ODM , GS Film number: 299828

My folder url

Danny C. Alonso

Hi Armando,
I need to know what you think about this theory. Juan Antonio de Rubalcava and Isabel Macias are my 7th Great Grandparents, through Guillermo de Rubalcava that married Andrea de Alba. And, admittedly they are one of my least researched ancestors because I haven't gotten to them yet, but I tentatively have the parents of Isabel Macias as Joseph Manuel Macias and Josepha de Aguirre/Magdaleno. The couple he put down Manuel Macias and Josepha de Aguilar married only two years before her supposed daughter. Plus, if you look at the IM for Juan Antonio de Rubalcava and Isabel Macias… It lists Isabel Macias' mother not as Aguilar, but as Josepha de Aguirre, which I believe she uses from her grandmother Mariana de Aguirre that married Diego Magdaleno.
Also, if you look at the the padrinos that baptized the children of Juan Antonio de Rubalcava and Isabel Macias, they are either Magdalenos or connected to the Magdalenos.
The Padrinos of my 6th Great Grandfather Guillermo de Rubalcava are George de Trillo and Guadalupe Macias, daughter of Josepha de Magdaleno and I believe sister to Isabel Macias:…
The Padrino of Joseph Raphael Magdaleno Rubalcava is Juan Clemente de Villalobos, the husband of Ignacia Macias, daughter of Josepha de Magdaleno and I believe sister to Isabel Macias:…
The Padrinos of Petra Rubalcava are Pioquinto de Villalobos and Margarita Macias, daughter of Josepha de Magdaleno and I believe sister to Isabel Macias:… 
This is the marriage of Joseph Manuel Macias and Josepha Magdaleno, they married 9 Nov 1733 in San Juan de los Lagos:…
I think the timeline fits better, but, I'm not by any means certain. Let me know what you think.
Christopher de Cuellar


The IM proves that I made a mistake in assuming the surname was Aguilar and not possibly another surname. Once I took a better look at the marriage record it actually only has Agui. I had started personal index of the Sam Juan de Los Lagos marriage records because they aren't indexed at FamilySearch but I had stopped before reaching that page. Even so I probably would never had made the connection with the Aguirre family. I do agree that the marriage record of Joseph Manuel Macias and Josepha de Magdaleno of 1733 are the parents of the wife Isabel (Ysabel) Macías especially since the marriage record explicitly states that Joseph Manuel Macias was from Aguascalientes.
The IM also states that Juan Antonio de Robalcaba is 17 years old meaning he was born in 1747. Men didn't normally marry that young and it would be impossible for him to be the son of the family I associated him with since that family started having children in 1713. That would mean the mother, María Villalobos y Escoto Tovar baptized 1694, had children from 1713 until 1747, until the mother was 53 or 54. I have never heard of a woman having children past 46 years old. I really think that the age was a mistake although there could have been another couple Miguel de Robalcaba and María de Villalobos. That's something that needs to be investigated more.


My husband's ancestors were related by marriage to the Macias, and his ancestors also included some Rubalcabas. They were all from Encarnacion de Diaz. Have you put your family tree in Nuestros Ranchos? See my trees under Emilie Garcia. My husband is Antonio Garcia

Congratulations on getting hooked on genealogy. It will be a lifelong hobby, and you will always love it.

Many of us wish we had started at your age, and wish we had interviewed all our eldest living relatives for more information before they took it to the grave. Get photos, stories, any documents they have.

Port Orchard, WA

> Date: Sat, 7 Feb 2015 06:49:42 -0800
> From:
> To:
> Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Introduction and information on Ysabel Macias
> Hello Nuestros Ranchos Forum
> I'm Danny and I've been researching my family for about a month. It started
> as a school project but then I became really interested after it was over.
> My Spanish teacher that's LDS was helping me read the records. I'm not sure
> of the actual ranches that my familes ancestors are from, but they're
> mostly on records from the Encarnacion de Diaz section of Family Search.
> Ive traced my family to Ysabel Masias and Juan Antonio De Robalcaba married
> in El Sagrario, Aguascalientes, Aguascalientes, Mexico on May 27th 1764 but
> the record wasn't readable, even by my teacher. Thank you for letting me be
> in the forum and if the forum knows who Ysabel Masias's ancestors are
> please tell me.
> --
> Danny C. Alonso

Hello Danny,

It says -

"En la villa de Aguascalientes en veinte y siete
de Mayo de mi setecientos sesenta y cuatro
años habiendo precedido las diligencias
acostumbradas prevenidas por derecho
leído se las amonestaciones dispuestas por
el Santo Concilio de Trento en la Iglesia
Parroquial en tres días festivos inter
missarum solemnia que lo fueron el seis
trece y el quince del corriente mes y no
habiendo resultado de ellas impedimento
alguno como teniente de Br
Matías Joseph asistió al matrimonio
que en mi presencia por palabras
de presentes celebraron Juan Antonio de
Robalcaba español originario y vecino de
esta villa en La Estansuela hijo legítimo de
Miguel de Robalcaba difunto y de María
de Villalobos con Isabel Macías española
originaria y vecina de esta villa en La
Villita hija legitima de Joseph Manuel
Macías difunto y de María Josefa de Aguilar"

The rest is very hard to read.

I haven't found a marriage record for Miguel González de Rubalcava and María Villalobos y Escoto Tovar but the first baptism I can find for a child is for Juan Joseph González de Rubalcava y Villalobos 28 Aug 1713 so they should have married at least 10-12 months prior to that date. I don't think there is an información matrimonial for them but it would be good to double check.

María Villalobos y Escoto Tovar was baptized 28 Feb 1694 and was the daughter of Isidro de Villalobos Macías Valadez and Francisca Gertrudis Escoto y Tovar married befpre 1683 based on the following Dispensa 168024 -

Phelipe de Chavez, 30a hl de Pedro de Chavez+ y Catarina Jimenez con Teresa de Villalobos, 30a hl de Isidro de Villalobos+ y Gertrudis de Rublacava

Antonia de Villalobos.......1...Isidro de Villalobos
Pedro de Chavez..............2...Isidro de Villalobos

Isidro de Villalobos Macías Valadez was the son of Isidro de Villalobos Macías Valadez and María Vásquez de Retamosa married 22 May 1640 in Teocaltiche based on the following

Dispensa de 4o grado
Tronco Francisco de Villalobos cc María Macias
Diego Villalobos..................1...Mariana Villalobos
cc Ana Esteban de Chavez
Francisco Villalobos............2...Vicente de Chavez
cc Xaviera Isabel de Ulloa
Pioquinto de Villalobos........3...Rosalia de Chavez
cc Margarita Joseph Manuel Lopez
Teresa de Villalobos, pta.....4...Miguel Ignacio Lopez, pto

[Tronco Cristóbal deía Pérez de Nava]
[Tomás de Villalobos .........1...Francisco de Villalobos]
Pedro de Villalobos.............2...Diego de Villalobos
Ignacio de Villalobos, pto....3...Catarina de Villalobos, pta

[Tronco Cristóbal deía Pérez de Nava]
Tomás de Villalobos .........1...Francisco de Villalobos
Nicolás de Villalobos........2...Antonia de Villalobos
Nicolás de Villalobos........3...Manuel de Chávez
Miguel de Villalobos........4.....Margarita de Chávez

Francisco de Villalobos was baptized 31 July 1595 in Mexico City. He was the son of Cristóbal de Villalobos and María Pérez de Nava married 19 Oct 1594 in Mexico City.

Al margen
velados xpoval de villa
lovos i ma peres
En diez y nueve de Octubre de mill y quinientos y nobenta
y quatro años yo El bachiller Joan ugarte aviendose echo
las amonestaciones y de mas diligencias y con
madamiento del provisor y no ? de ni
gun ynpedimento despose y di la ben[roto]
nunpciales en esta iglesia a Xpoval [roto]
vz de esta ciudad y natural en la villa de [roto]
en los reynos de castilla hijo de mateo [roto]
vos y de bernardina Lan clares con [roto]
natural desta ciudad hija de Xpoval [roto]
madalena siendo testigos diego muñoz [roto]
? y franco blanco y andres [roto]

María Vásquez de Retamosa was baptized 27 Jan 1620 in Aguascalientes. She was the daughter of Gaspar Macías Valadez and Mariana de Torres married 26 Mar 1612 in Aguascalientes.

En 6 de Março de 612 despose a Gaspar Macías y a Mariana de Torres en la estancia de Nicolás Ramirez de Las Peñuelas, siendo testigos Alonso Macias, y los melliços, y Nicolas Ramirez y lo firmé -- Gabriel Ordoñez

(22) Don Gaspar Macias-Valadez y Retamosa el 6 de marzo de 1612 se caso en la Estancia de Peñuelas con Doña Mariana de Torres y su hermano Felipe Macías-Valadez y Retamosa el 1 de julio de 1618 contrajo matrimonio con María de Torres. Las dos eran hijas de Don Nicolás Ramírez y de Polonia de Torres (González Leal Mariano, Retoños de España en la Nueva Galicia, Esquema genealógico numero 4, "Hijos de Nicolás Ramírez y de Polonia de Torres, y familias que de ellos provienen", Tomo II, 1982; Capitulo Macías-Valadez, indito).

Don Gaspar Macías-Valadez y de Retamosa, logró consolidar varios sitios de tierra en la Cañada de los Charcos, que baja del Cerro de los Gallos, con las que formó la llamada "Hacienda de los Charcos". Su hermano Alonso Macías-Valadez y Retamosa, fungió como Alcalde de la Villa de Nuestra Señora de la Asunción de las Aguas calientes y adquirió tierras en la Estancia de "San Nicolás de la Estanzuela", en un arroyo pedregoso que baja al pie del Cerro de los Gallos.

22. La Estancia de las Peñuelas, que primero fue propiedad de Don Nicolás Ramírez, luego le fue mercedada el 28 de junio de 1634 a Pedro Alonso de los Hinojos y años más tarde el 28 de junio de 1694 a Don Nicolás Fernández de Palos. AHJ. Tierras y Aguas, Instrumentos de la Hacienda de Peñuelas.

María Pérez de Nava was the daughter of Cristóbal Pérez López and María Magdaleno Hernández married 19 Dec 1577

"En diez y nueve de diziembre de mill quinos y setenta y siete años El
bachiller Diego de Fuentes clerigo presbitero con my licencia desposo a
..Christoval Perez hijo de Hernan de Perez y de Maria Lopez su mujer
que es de Granatula [de Calatrava] jurisdiccion de Almagro Castia [Castilla] y Maria Magdalena
hija de Goncalo Magdalena y de Maria Hernández su mujer que es de esta
ciudad habiendo se...................en esta iglesia de la beracruz las
diligencias conforme a derecho ¿? Christoval Perez dio información
como era libre de matrimonyo como consta por el mandamiento.......Diego de Fuentes .
hallado presentes Diego de Baeça del ¿? Pedro ? ...Juan Go.
Hermosilla vecinos de Mexico"

Gonzalo Magdaleno and Maria Hernández were also the parents of Ana Rodríguez de Magdaleno who married Juan González de Hermosillo y Sánchez Parra born in Guadalcanal, the son of Gonzalo García de Hermosillo and Leonor Sánchez Parra who per the confirmación de oficio of 1607 of Francisco Hermosillo MEXICO,177,N.58 found at and brother of the first bishop of Durango (Nueva Vizcaya) Fray Gonzalo Hermosillo.

Juan González de Hermosillo y Sánchez Parra is also a witness for the marriage of Cristóbal Pérez López and María Magdaleno Hernández.

Juan González de Hermosillo y Sánchez Parra had their first child Leonor baptized 15 June 1559 so they should have been married at least 9 months prior and should have been born about at least 19 years prior to 15 June 1559 and is mentioned as being deceased 20 April 1606 but living 27 Jan 1597 so he died between those dates.

Per image 6 of the confirmación de oficio

"Gonzalo Rodríguez Magdaleno y María Hernández su mujer difuntos vecinos
fueron de esta ciudad naturales de la dicha villa de Guadalcanal
ii Ítem si saben los dichos Gonzalo Rodríguez Magdaleno y María Hernández su mujer fueron casados
y velados según orden de la santa madre iglesia y durante su
matrimonio hubieron por su hija legítima a la dicha Ana Rodríguez Magdaleno nacio
en esta ciudad de México y por tal su hija legitima"

This is a different family from that of the Juan González de Hermosillo of Los Altos de Jalisco.