Need help reading light writing on my GG Grandmother Maria Dimas De La Paz (1819 - 1885)

I found the difunto record of my GG Grandmother Maria Dimas De La Paz (1819 - 1885). The writing is kind of light. Can any of you help me read it? It mentions at the begging "Calixto Madera." That is her son since Calixto Madera is the son of Patricio Madera (1792 - ?) and Maria Dimas De La Paz. I found this in the Civil Records but couldn't find it in the Catholic Church records in the LDS archives because the LDS archives only have records of the "Parroquia of San Diego" Church. In this document it mentions something about "Sanctuario" which could mean the "Sanctuario De Divino Preso Church" Since our village has two churchs - Parroquia de San Diego and Sanctuario of Divino Preso.

I found it here and it is on the right side:…

Número 7. En Huejuquilla a 20 días del mes de enero de 1885, ante el juez que inscribe, el Ciudadano Calixto Madera, soltero, labrador, de 31 años, compareció a las 9 de la mañana manifestando que: hoy a las 5 de la mañana falleció de pulmonía en el rancho de la Mesa del Santo Cristo su madre María Dimas de la Paz a los 65 años de edad, viuda, vecina, hija legítima de Don Máximo de la Paz y de Doña ¿Agatona? Ledesma, finada, y continuó pidiendo se ordene la inhumación del cadáver en el cementerio de la capilla del Santuario de esta villa. Fueron testigos de este acto los ciudadanos Tomás Robles y Santiago Madera, mayores de edad, de esta vecindad y sin parentesco con el compareciente. Se le dio lectura, y conformes con su contenido firmaron.

Victoriano Navarro

Thank you Victoriano,

"en el cementerio de la capilla del Santuario de esta villa"

The Sancuario is the "Santuario Del Divino Preso" that is another church, a smaller one that is up the street from "Parroquia De San Diego."

Now wonder I can't find her catholic record in the "Parroquia San Diego" records of LDS. She was recorded in the Santuario De Divino Preso Church which there are no record copied into LDS archives.

I am familiar with that church. I was told by someone that there were people buried in the atrio of the church.

This is a video of a "danza" for the Sanctuario of Divino Preso Church" where they are coming into the front door. If you see a tower way in the background. That tower is of the "Parroquia De San Diego" that is down the street from this church: