Matrimonio of My GG Grandparents Patricio Madera and Maria Dimas De La Paz 1852

Found the matrimonio of my GG Grandparents Patricio Madera and Maria Dimas De La Paz in the year 1852.

starts on page 1810 of 3054 in the archive of informacion matrimonial 1839-1842, 1864-1868, 1792-1798, 1837-1839, 1841-1858, 1846-1850, 1852-1855…

Says that Patricio Madera is hijo legitima de "Juan Benancio Madera"

Patricio Madera was 54 years of age as it is noted in the document. I had found out a Patricio Madera had another wife prior during the early 1800's by the name of Tomasa Munoz. Found them on the padrones 1828-1830 in Rancho Ximulco.

In the year 1838, Tomasa Munoz passed away at age 40.

My linea is from Patricio Madera and Maria Dimas De La Paz as the had a son by the name of "Caxlito Madera (1851-1854? - 1923) who is my Great Grandfather.