Zacatecas Government Wants To Destroy Part of "La Purisma Panteon" of Ciudad Zacatecas

I am sad that the Government of Zacatecas wants to destroy part of the old tombstones of the cemetary "Panteon La Purisma"

Because after my experience of finding out that our towns' old cemetary that contained the difuntos of the 1600 - 1800 era was destroyed back in the mid 1970's. And just when I have done my geneology research and found my ancestros dating back to 1660. I wanted to visit them bout found out the old peanteon was destroyed. The current panteon only has difuntos dating back from 1890's to present. And I had to do research and ask where the old panteon was and the old people told me they got to see the old panteon before it was destroyed and they told me the tombstones were of cantera.

So now I was looking at a video of "Panteon La Purisma" of Zacatecas:

And in minute of 6:22 I ran across one that has a tombstone with my surname Francisco Madera:

What a coincidence. My 5th generation GGF was name Francisco Madera (1723 - 1790)