Website pictures of Panteon of Monte Escobedo (Panteon Antiguo? or the Present Panteon?)

I found this website with pictures of a panteon of Monte Escobedo. Looks old and made out of cantera:…

Using Googles Map to enter coordinates:,+Zac.,+Mexico/@22.3015…

Enter these coordinates: 22.304558, -103.556573
Which is the panteon at Monte Escobedo, Zacatecas, Mexico

And these coordinates: 22.445740, -103.490197
Is the coordinates of the panteon antiguo of Monte Escobedo that is located on a highway just outside of Laguna Grande.

So I can't tell if that website with pictures is which panteon?

My 7th Generation (Antonio Madera - 1660-1709, Maria De La Candelaria Angon -1655-1735) and 6th Generation Great Grandparents (Joseph Madera 1684-1734, Josepha Vasquez) are probably in the old panteon in Mezquitic or Monte Escobedo. My 5th Generation Great Grandparents Blas Madera/Maria Theresa Avkila I believe are buried in Huejuquilla after they moved over from Mezquitic to Huejuquilla since their two sons Francisco Madera and Lazaron Madera appears in Huejuquilla during the mid 1700's

This is a picture of the original capilla of San Diego De Alcala of Huejuquilla El Alto, Jalisco, Mexico:

It still exists today. The Parroquia of San Diego De Alcala is a much bigger building that is next to the Plaza and Presidencia offices of Huejuquilla El Alto.

Which is this one:

And this is another church called the Sanctuario De Divino Preso which is down the street from the Parroquia De San Diego:

In front of the Sanctuario De Divino Preso Church there are two gardens in front of the door (atrio) which are surrounded by a small fence. I believe there are some tombs there, but I think they are of past priests. Not sure. There could have been more tombs in that area in the past.

Looking at the Monte Escobedo Government website. Now I see there are 8 panteones:

Starting to look like that if I want to locate where my ancestors were buried that were in the generation of 1600's or 1700's, it may be in the atrio of the Iglesias before they started buring them in cemetaries away from the Church.

I am getting more of an idea how a panteon at the atrio of an iglesia looks like. This youtube video is one in the open court in front of the Church. The Panteon of the Atrio of Iglesia San Juan Evangelista, Jalisco, Mexico which says are the tombs dating back to 1617!!!!! I guess because back then the population was small:

I am going to have to pay more attention to the atrios of the churchs where my ancestors were recorded at.

I was just told by someone who is a well known historian of Zacatecas and lives over there. He told me that:

"Las personas seeneterraban en los templos, y los cementerios fuera del pueblo fue hasta el año de 1810 en eadelante. no creo que sea pánteon antiguo el de Monte Escobedo o Laguan Grande."

So then in the early days, people were buried at the churches. People didn't start getting buried in the cementaries away from the pueblos until the year 1810.

Good now I know where to look for the my ancestors prior to 1800's

What about the poor folks? Where were they buried?
On Mar 18, 2015 9:17 PM, wrote:

> I was just told by someone who is a well known historian of Zacatecas and
> lives over there. He told me that: "Las personas seeneterraban en los
> templos, y los cementerios fuera del pueblo fue hasta el año de 1810 en
> eadelante. no creo que sea pánteon antiguo el de Monte Escobedo o Laguan
> Grande." So then in the early days, people were buried at the churches.
> People didn't start getting buried in the cementaries away from the pueblos
> until the year 1810. Good now I know where to look for the my ancestors
> prior
> to 1800's

Thats right ab 1870 some priest of Monte Escobedo put the bodys in the old cementery because a lot of people died in that time . My 8th grandfather Cap. Nicolas Sanchez Castellanos y Haro (1643-1728) was buried besides the holy water according his will but nobody knows if the bodys inside the church were put in the old cementery. Thats the version of Lauro Marquez Sanchez the priest of Monte Escobedo who built the church of Monte Escobedo.