Never give up

I have been stuck for years on finding the parents of my 4th great grandfather Jose Ysidro Hurtado. I knew his name from baptism records and marriage dispensation of my 3rd great grandfather Rafael Hurtado but could never find Ysidro's parents names. I checked the baptism records of all of children I could find through LDS and no luck the parents were listed but not grandparents. Yesterday I was searching LDS and found the baptism record for Yisdro's youngest daughter Josefa Petronila De Jesus Hurtado and the grandparents were listed. This find was a double bit of luck in that I found Ysidro's parents were Francisco Hurtado and Augustina De Anda. The other bit of luck was that I was able to confirm with another source the parents of Ysidro's wife Rosa Munos.
Moral of the story genealogy isn't easy but eventually it comes together.

That's fantastic!!! Congrats!
Thanks for sharing. It gives me hope!

What a great story. Congrats!!!

That is why..We love genealogy...sometimes there is some luck.




Time to Celebrate !!!!!!!!!

Perseverance is rewarded.

Rick A Ricci