I have reviewed a dispensation that identifies Sebastian de Avila as the son of Nicolas de Avila (and with further research, Sebastian's mother was Gertrudis Falcon de la Garza). Sebastian's wife is most commonly known as Lugarda (or Josefa Lugarda) Dias de Leon (or sometimes her last name is Becerra).
I am trying to locate the marriage records for Sebastian and Lugarda and Nicolas and Gertrudis. Sebastian and Lugarda had children born in Ojuelos and Pinos (the children were born between 1771-1791), but the marriage records in Ojuelos don't reach as far back as 1770/1771 as far as I can tell. Is there another city where those records could be kept?
Nicolas and Gertrudis had children in Pinos and San Felipe, Guanajuato; the oldest child I have found so far was baptized in 1727 in Pinos. I have not located a marriage record for Nicolas and Gertrudis, yet, but I'm hoping someone on NR has encountered it in Pinos or elsewhere. Nicolas is noted as the brother of Bernardo de Avila, who in turn is the son of Juan Lopez de Avila and Juana de Trujillo.
Any help would be appreciated,
Hello Rosalinda,
Can you share that dispensa? I would like to see it, thank you. ;)
I have Nicolas de Avila, son of Juan Lopez de Avila and Juana Trujillo, married to Magdalena de Contreras, though their children were born between 1707 and 1720, so Gertudis could be a 2nd marriage (unless I'm wrong about Magdalena Contreras... need to review my notes).
Maria Gertrudis Falcon de la Garza was the daughter of Joseph de la Garza and Catalina Gomez-Avila; she was baptized 23 Nov 1713, Pinos:
Joseph de la Garza was son of Phelipe de la Garza and Phelipa Santiago, and Catalina Gomez, the daughter of Blas Gomez de las Ruelas and Maria de Avila. They were married 10 Feb 1706, Pinos:
I have Blas Gomez and Maria de Avila in my lines, they were from Zacatecas, Zacatecas, and moved to Salitre, in Pinos, around 1700. Blas was son of Juan Gomez de las Ruelas (aka Juan Gomez Nieto) and Maria Teresa Martin aka Maria Teresa Guerrero, and they lived in San Felipe & Guanajuato, Guanajuato. Many of their children settled in the Pinos area around 1690. Their descendants also use the compound surname, Gomez de Sotomayor.
You say Lugarda Diaz de Leon also uses "Becerra"; she might be daughter of Juan Esteban Diaz de Leon and Nicolasa Becerra, who lived in the Pinos/Ojuelos area.
If you can't find records in Sr San Jose, Ojuelos, check San Matias, Pinos, Zacatecas, and Cienega de Mata, Ojuelos, Jalisco.
Manny Diez Hermosillo
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Hi Manny,
This is the dispensation in question:
On this page, https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.3.1/TH-1-18433-6324-26?cc=1874591&wc=…
it shows a family tree, with the pretenso, Francisco de Avila (son of Sebastian de Avila & Lugarda Dias) marrying Maria Regina de Avila (daughter of Ygnacio de Avila & Maria Francisca Araiza). As you can see in the tree, the tronco is Ticio (I was trying to figure out this name) Davila & Maria Zapata. Since I couldn't figure out the man's name, I decided to trace Ygnacio's line up, which led me to his father, Doroteo, and in turn Doroteo's father, Bernardo de Avila. Bernardo, as you know, is son of Juan Lopez de Avila & his second wife, Juana de Trujillo. Juan & Juana had a son, Nicolas, and in the dispensation tree, this Nicolas is the son of the tronco couple. The timing of Nicolas' baptism (as son of Juan & Juana Trujillo) is appropriate, and the dispensation identifies Nicolas and Bernardo as brothers.
Tracing the line up from Francisco, his father, Sebastian Antonio, is the son of Nicolas and Gertrudis Falcon de la Garza. I believe the tronco couple's name of Ticio (?) and Maria Zapata (who was the first wife of Juan Lopez de Avila) is incorrect. I'm trying to double check my hypothesis that Ticio Davila and Maria Zapata are really Juan Lopez de Avila and Juana Trujillo, since Nicolas and Bernardo are noted as brothers in the dispensa. By the way, there is a "baptism" record for Sebastian Antonio de Avila with an 1802 date, but the record states that Sebastian had been baptized (but not in 1802-- the note is merely added in 1802). This note is located in the 1736-1755 bautismos de castas.
Thank you so much for your information, and I will look into the Diaz de Leon connection.
Have you heard of Pedro Ygnacio de Avila & Josefa de Soto? Are you familiar where the testamentos for Pinos would be located? This involves one of my brick wall families, so this dispensa could help me break through that.
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Hi Rosalina,
This is brilliant - I descend from Bernardo, and I’ve tracked these lines thoroughly, so I’m sure I can help you crack this.
Let me look this over, and I’ll see what I have. In the meantime, upon looking at my notes, Nicolas de Avila-Trujillo could NOT have been married to Magdalena Contreras, since he was born in 1696, and Nicolas de Avila and Magdalena Contreras were already having children the first decade of the 1700s.
You’re on track!
Manny Diez Hermosillo
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Hi Rosalinda,
You’re right, Juan Lopez de Avila and Juana de Trujillo are the correct tronco for this tree, which reminds us how foggy the descendants' & testigos’ memories can be. I have the Bernardo side down to Joseph Ygnacio Raphael de Avila (though not his wife), and it corresponds to the tree in the dispensa. Nicolas and Bernardo are brothers, though, as you mention, it’d be nice to seal it with marriage or burial records for Nicolas de Avila and Gertrudis de la Garza, as well as others.
The earliest baptism I have for one of their children is for Joseph Bonificio, who was baptized 27 Jan 1727, Pinos. He was born on Salitre, where her family lived (between there and San Nicolas, where she was born), and where they were likely married. Unless we have an earlier birth, we’re looking at them marrying before early 1726, and in Pinos. I have some time this evening, I’ll dig through the Pinos archives.
Regarding “Ticio,” on no other record have I seen Juan de Avila referred to as “Ticio,” so it might have been a nickname, or something like “fulano,” or “what's-his-name.” And both Nicolas and Bernardo were born long after Phelipa Zapata died, while giving birth to her first child. Juana de Trujillo was their mother, as their baptism records establish.
I'll start looking through my Diaz de Leon's and Becerra's, as well, to see who's daughter this Lugarda was - it was a very popular name.
Great find! It’s hard to sift through cloudy memories and hurried notaries!
Manny Diez Hermosillo
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I've sent you a message through Nuestros Ranchos.
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Sebastian de Avila & Lugarda Dias de Leon / Nicolas de Avila & G