San Julio Álvarez Mendoza Family

I received an email from a relative asking me if we were related to San Julio Álvarez Mendoza. I was embarrassed to say that I had no knowledge of this saint so therefore could not know of any family relationship. Does any one know his family tree? I only know that he was born in Guadalajara on 20/Dec/1866 to Atanasio Alvarez and Maria Dolores Mendoza. Is he part of the Alvarez Tostado family? Does anyone have stories to add about why he is considered a saint?
R. A Ricci

I have been able to construct a tree to five generations and yes he does have surnames that are common to los altos de Jalisco but have not yet been able to connect them to any of my branches. I have connected them to San Juan de Los Lagos and Atotonilco de los altos. I will keep searching and will post when I find a confirmed connection.
R A Ricci