Help with Y-DNA - Standard Y-STR Values from DNA experts at Nuestros Ranchos

I just received the Family tree Y DNA results from my Uncle's DNA test. Of the 58 values on his Y-DNA - Standard Y-STR he matches 51 exactly with another person the other 7 are:
DYS19 other person 15 uncle's 14
DYS448 other person 18 uncle's 19
DYS464 other person 14-15-17-17 uncle's 15-15-17-17
YCAII other person 19-23 uncle's 19-21
DYS576 other person 20 uncle's 19
DYS444 other person 13 uncle's 12
DYS446 other person 12 uncle's 13

In the family trees of both families it shows they are descended 9 generations back from Francisco Reynoso. Do these results confirm that connection given that baptism and marriage dispensation records back it up?

Thank you in advance for educating me on DNA interpretation.

I am not an expert, but I have some experience with these tests. I think 7/58 differences is a lot, but there may have been 3 mutations on one branch and 4 on the other over those nine generations.
I don't think the results confirm the connection, but given the records, I would say the results suggest the connection.

Check out Gary Felix's Mexican DNA page:
It may take a while to open, but at the very end you can see the section of Y-DNA founders, with examples of families with a common ancestor probaly 8-12 generations away. Some of the branches have at most 3-4 differences, not 7.

I think in order to confirm the connection, you need to compare with more samples from other branches of the family and see if you both separately are a better match to the new samples. Also, how come you tested for 58 markers? I thought FTDNA went from 37 to 67. Did the other family just tested for 58?

In my family one of our samples has 3 differences with another one, and our common ancestor is just 3-4 generations away. However, when comparing with a third sample from another branch, each of us has only one or two differences with the third sample (67 markers compared in one case).

I'm sure Armando and other members will have more to say regarding your sample.
Victoriano Navarro

Thanks Victoriano, I will check out that website. The results came this morning and I'm still trying to figure them out. The test is a Y67 and when I compare it to other Y67 tests they all only have 58 values in the Y-DNA STR markers, which is just another indication that I have a lot to learn about how to read these DNA tests.

What company did you order your DNA test from? What were the costs? Both my parents did a DNA test through, but it only shows where they came from. I don't believe they received the actual codes/raw data.



What company did you order your DNA test from? What were the costs? Both my parents did a DNA test through, but it only shows where they came from. I don't believe they received the actual codes/raw data.



What company did you order your DNA test from? What were the costs? Both my parents did a DNA test through, but it only shows where they came from. I don't believe they received the actual codes/raw data.



What company did you order your DNA test from? What were the costs? Both my parents did a DNA test through, but it only shows where they came from. I don't believe they received the actual codes/raw data.



What company did you order your DNA test from? What were the costs? Both my parents did a DNA test through, but it only shows where they came from. I don't believe they received the actual codes/raw data.



What company did you order your DNA test from? What were the costs? Both my parents did a DNA test through, but it only shows where they came from. I don't believe they received the actual codes/raw data.



What company did you order your DNA test from? What were the costs? Both my parents did a DNA test through, but it only shows where they came from. I don't believe they received the actual codes/raw data.



What company did you order your DNA test from? What were the costs? Both my parents did a DNA test through, but it only shows where they came from. I don't believe they received the actual codes/raw data.



What company did you order your DNA test from? What were the costs? Both my parents did a DNA test through, but it only shows where they came from. I don't believe they received the actual codes/raw data.



What company did you order your DNA test from? What were the costs? Both my parents did a DNA test through, but it only shows where they came from. I don't believe they received the actual codes/raw data.



What company did you order your DNA test from? What were the costs? Both my parents did a DNA test through, but it only shows where they came from. I don't believe they received the actual codes/raw data.



What company did you order your DNA test from? What were the costs? Both my parents did a DNA test through, but it only shows where they came from. I don't believe they received the actual codes/raw data.



What company did you order your DNA test from? What were the costs? Both my parents did a DNA test through, but it only shows where they came from. I don't believe they received the actual codes/raw data.




The only company you can order a Y-DNA STR test from is from FamilyTreeDNA. It is cheaper if you get it through a DNA project such as doesn't even do Y-DNA SNP testing. 23andme does limited SNP testing so at least the right haplogroup is determined with them but they don't do STR testing either.

rmcneal103, you actually have 67 markers but some of them are grouped under one STR name such as DYS464 and YCAII.

If you go to it will tell you if you match anyone at 67 markers and if so how many markers are different under the Genetic Difference column. Generally speaking, if you match others with the same surname you can ask them to share a tree if they don't have one posted to determine if there is a high likelihood of a common ancestor in the past 15 generations. If you match people with a different surname there could have been an NPE (non-paternal event) meaning an ancestor in the direct paternal line is unknown in either or both trees or there was a convergence of STR markers making you look like there is a common ancestor in the past 15 generations. STR markers change randomly but normally it takes several generations for a single STR marker change. I have see both extremes where there were multiple STR changes in a single generation and also where there have been at least 10 generations without any or only one STR change. It is extremely rare for SNPs markers to change which is also why the BigY test was released but it is expensive and if you are trying to find out if you share most of the same SNPs as another person there has to be a lot of people in the last 2,000 years that are closely related to have had the test as well as the specific person you are trying to determine how close the match is.
If you're 67 marker matches have had SNP testing you can order SNP tests for a lower price at to see if you are positive for the same SNP and sometimes they have SNP panels that make testing a large number of SNPs which makes it even more economical to find your terminal SNP.

If your uncle has another person with a family tree that goes back to the same ancestor in your uncle's paternal line in his list of 67 marker matches they do share that common ancestor.

rmcneal103, the reason that the 67 marker match doesn't show up at 25 and 37 markers is because not enough STR markers match at those levels. 12 marker matches that have had a 67 marker test but don't match at 67 markers are extremely unlikely to be from a common ancestor in the past 15 generations even if they have the same surname.

At 12 markers they show matches up to a difference of 1 marker.
At 25 markers they show matches up to a difference of 2 markers.
At 37 markers they show matches up to a difference of 4 markers.
At 67 markers they show matches up to a difference of 7 markers.
At 111 markers they show matches up to a difference of 10 markers.

If your uncle's 67 marker matches have had a 111 marker test you can get one for your uncle too to see if they still match at 111 markers. If they do then there is a higher likelihood of a recent common ancestor. If they haven't had a 111 marker test you can ask them to get one if you are willing to get one for your uncle.