Baptisms in Aguascalientes - 1807-1812

I have not had success in finding baptism certificates in El Sagrario for
the years 1807-1812. When I do a general search in FamilySearch, I find 2
children listed for Pablo Hernandes and Cerbula Canedo, which indicates to
me that certificates exist. But when I look in this link I cannot find the

This is the period when certificates were in different books depending on
whether you were "espanol" or "indio". I believe that the certificates
would be found in the "castas" book, because all other certificates for
this family were indio.

The 2 specific certificates I am looking for are for Jose Susano Hernandes,
baptized 3 June 1808 and Maria Yrinea Hernandes, baptized 18 April 1810.
The link that took me to this information was:…~

The certificates for this time period are very difficult to read because of
the handwriting, but I have looked and looked. Maybe I am just missing
them, but I am frustrated. Any help or suggestions will be greatly


Daniel, some of the dates in that book are mix, if you go a bit further you will see the months of may and june over again for the year of 1808, look at the page 139 of the film, not the book page which is 128. For the second record look at the page 380, (203 of the book). Sometimes this entries are out of order because the baptisms were performed somewhere else, by the time they copied the entries in the main book some other baptisms had taken place. Some times is just the pages out of order, I also get really frustrated when this happens, but you get use to.

As a side note, when in doubt for a film number, look at the results from a general search, click on the individual name and they show the batch and film number, copy the number and look at it in the catalog. it will show the whole collection, there you can check if there is just one set of years for that specific film or if there is something wrong with the index. In this case the film number also appears in the first page helping you know that you are looking the correct book.

Thank you. That is exactly what I needed to know. I was sure they existed somewhere! And I just came up with another one in the same book.

Your explanation makes total sense because they were probably performed in Jesus Maria.