Fernando, Antonio and Pedro (De La Campa y Cos)

Don Fernando De La Campa y Cos was he Conde of Hacienda San Mateo, Valparaiso, Zacatecas, Mexico. Supposedly he was born in 1676 in Burgos, Spain and I have been trying to find his pasajero de indias.

Some historians of Zacatecas say he arrived to Sombrerete, Zacatecas, Mexico in 1693. That would make him 17 years old and if he traveled as a kid on boat, he mostly likely was accompanied by adult. The adult would have his name registered in the pasajero de indias and one would have to read that document with hopes of finding Fernando De La Campa y Cos as a companion for being a kid.

Now, I was also told that his brother Antonio De La Campa Y Cos was the one that brought him over to Nueva Galicia. But I went into the Pars website and find:

Refernce code to enter: GUADALAJARA,44,N.6


Document is dated 3/14/1675 and 14 pages long.

Brief description: "Expediente de Confirmación del oficio de teniente de capitán general del real y minas de Sombrerete a Antonio de la Campa Cos. Resuelto"

Fernando De La Campa y Cos wasn't even born in 1675.

I was reading the first page and it mentions "Pedro De La Campa" and decided to look him up.

Reference code: INDIFERENTE,125,N.18

That document is 4 pages long and dated 2/28/1675

bried description: "Relación de Méritos y servicios de Pedro de la Campa Cos, Teniente de Capitán General de las costas de Nueva Galicia"

In 1675:

Antonio De La Campa y Cos was "Teniente de Capitan De Las Minas de Sombrerete"

Pedro De La Campa Y Cos was "Teniente De Capitan General De Las Costas De Nueva Galicia"

Supposedly the are brothers of "Fernando de La Campa Y Cos" who was born in 1676 in Burgos, Espana.

And son of Domingo De La Campa and Juliana Cos.

Fernando De La Campa Y Cos' brothers must have been a lot older than him.

Here in this link there is a reference that Antonio De La Campa y Cos was Governor of Nueva Galicia:

Don Antonio de la Campa y Cos, Gobernador de la Nueva Galicia, manda a la Villa de Santiago del Saltillo que las tierras de los guachichiles recaigan en los tlaxcaltecas, a la vez dispone que los religiosos no cobren derechos de fábrica y rotura."


Here in the PARS website is the defunto record of "Juan Antonio Gutiérrez Terán"
He was the Alcalde of Sombrerete, Zacatecas, Mexico in 1693 when he recommended Don Fernando De La Campa Y Cos.

The reference number of the defunto is: CONTRATACION,5707,N.1,R.7

Just a note that when you go to the pars website and enter that reference number to go to the description page and click on it to go to the second description page before going to the document?

On that second description page to the left is a menu and submenu. clicking on the menu "Bienes de Defuntos" brings lists of names only of people that are defunto.
Which is easier to see all compacted into a group list and just keep clicking more to bring up more lists to quickly try to find who your looking for.