Dispenses for Guanajuato & Michoacan marriages

This is a bit off topic, but does anyone know if the Guadalajara dispenses have dispensations for marriages in Guanajuato & Michoacan? My family spans Jalisco & Guanajuato, and I want to know the extent to which I can use the dispenses.


Jaime Trexo


Which diocesan records you look at depends when the various dioceses were erected, the time period you are interested in and from which older dioceses they were created. I have not looked at how the various dioceses of Mexico have evolved over time, however, there is a website that gives this information that may be helpful. It is "Catholic Heorarchy" at www.Catholic-Heirarchy.org

George Fulton

The Diocese of Michoacan was erected in 1536 and from it the Diocese of Guadalajara in 1548, so these records are pretty much contemporary. Thus which one to consult will depend on the location. Other changes to the Diocese of Michoacan did not happen until 1777 (with the erection of the Diocese of Linares or Nueva Leon (which was later renamed Monterrey)). The Diocese of Durango was split from Guadalajara in 1620.

Few other changes to the dioceses were not made until the mid 1800s with numerous new dioceses created.

If the diocesan records have been filmed (as in the case of Guadalajara) they should be found under the city where the cathedral is.

George Fulton