Florentino Jaimes

Hello Nuestros Ranchos Forum,

I'm trying to read this death of Florentino Jaimes


and some of it doesn't really make sense when I try to use google to
translate it. Could someon tell me what this part means in English

el de la eucaristía no por la distancia, otorgo una memoria testamentaria,
su fecha en San Antonio de Buenavista, en doce de del corriente mes, en la
que ordena se de a las mandas forzosas a dos ___ a cada una, y que se digan
por su intención cincuenta misas; nombra por su albacea, a don Manuel Xaime

Danny C. Alonso

Hi Danny

Here's my attempt of translating the part that you listed with my comments and added text for clarification:

and not the Eucharist because of the distance (Florentino did not receive the holy Eucharist because of the distance that the priest had to travel), he gave his last will and testament (I believe that a 'memoria testamentaria' is a 'testamento' that is given by a person on their deathbed) which was made in San Antonio de Buenavista on the 12th of the current [month] in which he orders payment for the obligatory offerings of two (reales?) for each [required offering] and that 100 Masses be offered [for the intention of his soul]. He names don Manuel Jaime as his executor.

Hope this helps.

Thank you Austin, it's very helpful. some of those words I couldn't even find a translation for. Thank you

Danny C. Alonso