Has anyone have or gone further in this line. I am really confused but so grateful in finding this record that seems like a Dispensa. I tried but it is above my head right now. I found what looks like a Dispensa that states Aleman and Cabesas are related. aleman's great grandfather (bisabuelo) is grandfather to Cabesas. Then it seems they are given grado 2 for primos hermanos, 3degree, 4th degree I really can't decipher.
Joaquin Joseph de Medellin born 1721 (LC8K-SJ5 Familysearch.org ID Number)
He is son of Cayetano de Medellin and Theresa Gonzales de Solis Cortes (surname has many variations)
Joaquin Joseph married to first wife Juana Francisca Cabesas
JJ second wife is Juana Maria de Aleman whose mother is Gertrudis de Aleman y de PNC
The Sifuenza de Aleman are my family but I believe this marriage holds a key to finding 6x grandfather Marcos de Aleman's father (marcos is married 2x First to Maria Velasco y Pena and Second to Agueda Coronado de Leon, one is 6x grandmother second is 6x great Aunt). I also believe Sebastian de Aleman is his brother.
Thanks for any small clue to who the grandparents were of both wifes.
One interesting note was that Joaquin states he had always heard his parents talking that they were related. From what I have gathered they all knew each other.
Hola prima,
It looks like a dispensa for copulacion ilicita 4/3, since his wives were related. Too bad it doesn't explain the relationship.
Cayetano Medellin might be the same Cayetano Medellin baptized 25 Mar 1684, Santa Maria del Rio, SLP, son of Juan Joseph de Torres Medelin and Maria de Vanegas; Juan Joseph de Torres Medellin was son of Capp Diego Medellin and Sebastiana de Torres, and Maria de Vanegas was daughter of Nicolas de Trujillo and his first wife, Lucia de Vanegas.
Teresa Gonzalez de Solis Cortes might be daughter of Pedro Gonzalez de Solis "El Mozo" cc Maria Cortes Michel, who married 13 Jun 1650, in San Francisco de Charcas SLP; he was son of Pedro Gonzalez de Solis "El Viejo" cc Maria de Coronado, and she was daughter of Capp Joan Cortes Mudarra cc Micaela Michel Ordonez. I have them with several children, though no Teresa, but it's still possible.
I have nothing on the Aleman nor Cabeza. There was a family named Cabeza de Moro in early SLP.
I hope that helps!
Manny Diez Hermosillo
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Cayetano Medellin