Hi Everyone,
I recently got the results of my ancestry DNA and I wanted to share the findings.
Ethnicity Estimate:
Native American—North, Central, South 37%
Southern Zacatecas
Southeastern Zacatecas
Eastern Jalisco, Aguascalientes & Western Guanajuato
Western Aguascalientes, Northern Jalisco &
Southern Zacatecas
Northwestern Jalisco
Western Aguascalientes & Southern Zacatecas
Spain 22%
France 19%
Portugal 6%
Ireland & Scotland 3%
Italy 2%
Native American—Andean 2%
Cameroon, Congo, & Southern Bantu Peoples 2%
European Jewish 2%
Senegal 1%
Northern Africa 1%
Mali 1%
Norway 1%
Basque 1%
The results named detailed areas (Zacatecas, Aguascalientes and Jalisco) where I have found the majority of my ancestors during my years of research, therefore I was happy with the results.
Two things jumped out at me, 19% France and Western Guanajuato.
Could this be a result of political maps constantly changing. I've never considered Guanajuato on familysearch as a source for my research. Also, I don't have an explanation for 19% France, other that the old kingdoms bordered each other.
Any thoughts.
Ancestry.com just updated my DNA Results. Did this happen to anyone else in the group? They claim estimates will change over time as more data from new regions becomes available.
My previous results and updated change:
Ethnicity Estimate:
Native American—North, Central, South 37%>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>UPDATED TO 36%
Southern Zacatecas
Southeastern Zacatecas
Eastern Jalisco, Aguascalientes & Western Guanajuato
Western Aguascalientes, Northern Jalisco &
Southern Zacatecas
Northwestern Jalisco
Western Aguascalientes & Southern Zacatecas
Spain 22%>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>UPDATED TO 39% (SLIGHT CHANGE)
France 19%>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>UPDATED TO 3% (SIGNIFICANT CHANGE)
Portugal 6%>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>UPDATED TO 7%
Ireland & Scotland 3%>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>UPDATED TO 2%
Italy 2%>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>DROPPED OFF
Native American—Andean 2%>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>DROPPED OFF
Cameroon, Congo, & Southern Bantu Peoples 2%>>>>>>>>>>>>>NO CHANGE
European Jewish 2%>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>NO CHANGE
Senegal 1%>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>NO CHANGE
Northern Africa 1%>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>NO CHANGE
Mali 1%>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>NO CHANGE
Norway 1%>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>NO CHANGE
Basque 1%>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>NO CHANGE
I realize ancestry.com claim the results are estimates, but I am starting to doubt how accurate the estimated results will be if they continue to change.
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Mine changed also, I noticed they reduced the number of regions in Mexico/Jalisco that my ancestors were from. They had it broken down better before the update.
Indigenous Americas—Mexico
Eastern Jalisco, Aguascalientes & Western Guanajuato
Eastern Jalisco & Western Guanajuato
Jalisco & Guanajuato Border
European Jewish
Cameroon, Congo & Southern Bantu Peoples
Northern Africa
England, Wales & Northwestern Europe
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Hola Rubén:
Tu porcentaje de ascendencia francesa sugiere no es muy lejano en el tiempo. Yo desciendo de la familia Demongin que se estableció en Guanajuato, aunque hay otra rama muy grande en Jalisco y otra en el norte de Veracruz.
Por éste motivo llevo cierto tiempo estudiando la emigración francesa a México, una de las fuentes más importantes es la página web Raíces Francesas en México, muchos de los emigrantes estaban asociados entre sí por motivos de negocios.
Si cuentas con tu árbol genealógico podrías investigar si tienes algún tatarabuelo con apellido francés y reiterar tu consulta, ya con algún dato. Por lo pronto te adelanto que hay las siguientes ramas principales de emigración:
1. En 1824 llegaron dos grupos de franceses al sur de Veracruz y algunos se establecieron en Ixtepec, Oaxaca.
2. En 1835 llegó un grupo al norte de Veracruz procedente de Champlitte Alto Saona, Franco Condado asentándose en Jicaltepec y luego fundaron San Rafael, de éste grupo proviene mi familia.
3. En tiempos de la intervención francesa llegaron muchos militares y algunos se quedaron a vivir en México.
4. A fines del siglo XIX llegaron los bearneses del sur de Francia quienes impulsaron la industria textil y del vestido.
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To my surprise, I have 23% French blood in my DNA. I have talked with my father's side of the family (distantly related), and they indicated that during the French intervention, many French soldiers came. He had a significant amount of French blood in him (lives near Monterrey) because his grandfather admitted being one of the French soldiers who opted to stay behind...but changed his surname, as the French did not enjoy a good reputation among Mexican nationals. In fact, in the town where my ancestors came from, there is a lore about how a Mexican girl falls in love with a French soldier and the townspeople found out. They hunted her down and dismembered her for "sleeping with the enemy". So, if changing of the surnames occurred frequently, I may never be able to trace the exact ancestor.
On the other hand, I also seem to have inherited some of the French blood from my mother's side of the family who came from the Tlaltenango, Zacatecas area. I know this as several of my cousins also tested with results of French blood - but to a lesser degree (12%). My family was from a "rancho" called Los Aguajes (I just visited it over the summer for the first time - so enchantingly beautiful). Los Aguajes is about a 15 minute car ride from Cicalco, which was considered a strong indigenous community....I've been able to trace my inter-related family all the way back to the early 1800's to Los Aguajes (Herrera line). I even have an old picture of an unknown family member with the brightest bluest eyes....but no French surname appears.....My question is why would they settle in such a remote area where it was not strategic for military movement?
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Ancestry DNA Results Changed