Antonio Hilario Franco and Ma Ysabel Antonia Cervantes

I need help reading a marriage document of Antonio Hilario Franco and Ma. Ysabel Antonia Cervantes. I am having trouble reading the names of the parents of Antonio Hilario Franco. The record is in the top left corner. Antonio Hilario Franco is an ancestor of a close friend, and distant cousin, that passed away three weeks ago.

Here is the marriage record link:

Thank you,

Rick A. Ricci.

Hello Rick.

This is what I see:

"... Ant[onio] hilario Ynd[io] orig[inario] de S[an] Gasp[ar] de la felig[recia] de Xalostot[itlan] Vez[ino] de / esta de mas dies a[ños] hijo leg[itimo] de Ju[an] Fran[cisco] y de Cath[arina] Luisa Y a M[aria] / Ant[onia] M[ulata] desta felig[recia] en S[an] el Serro Gordo de S[an] Ant[onio] hija leg[itima] de / Joachin de Cerbantes dif[unto] Y de Ant[onia] hern[andez] ..."

(It seems like the "S[an]" in front of "el Serro Gorro" was written down there by mistake)

There are no last names for the parents of Antonio Hilario because he is "Yndio".

I hope this may help.

I think that is Francisco because back then they would abbreviate names by writing the last letter smaller and above the rest. That is what I have read but I might be wrong. This one is a tough document to read.

Thank you G Alvarez, Ruben, and Esther.

I agree with all of you that it says Francisco and that it is not the surname Franco. I was hoping that this was Antonio Franco and Ysabel Cervantes’s marriage récord, but it is now clear that these are different people.

The Antonio Franco that I am looking for was married for a second time on 2/Sep/1788 to Maria Manuela Luera, daughter of Thomas Luera and Juana Gertrudis Lopez. Their marriage record names her parents, states that he is a widower, and that his previous wife is named Ysabel Cervantes. I was hoping to find the record of his first marriage to find out his parent’s names.

Thank you,
Rick A. Ricci

The marriage record of Antonio Hilario Franco is the second record on the left side. I mistakenly wrote that it was in the top left corner.

Rick A. Ricci

For his parents I see ..."hijo legmo de Ju Franco y de Catha Lucia..." so possibly Juan Franco and Catalina or Catarina Lucía.

For her parents I see "...hija legma de Joachin de Cerbantes difo y de Anta hern..." so it might be Joaquín de Cervantes, deceased, and Antonia Hernández.

I hope this helps.