Pedro Carlos de Godoy, Juan de la Torre, Miguel Caldera (tierra y Aguas)


I'm having problems extracting all the information from a record of Tierra y Aguas.
The record in question is the title of "SITIO DE MESQUITE" in Jerez, Zacatecas. The documents explains the following:
1. First owner Miguel Caldera (22 oct 1592) that gives the property to his "yerno" Juan de la Torre Valdes (15 feb 1630)
2. Years later the document mentions the children and heirs of Juan de la Torre. MANUEL, PEDRO, DIEGO AND SEBASTIAN WITH JUANA GAMBOA
3. the last owner was Pedro Carlos de Godoi and JULIANA de la Torre (26 sept 1718)

1. Is it possible that Juan de la Torre (married to Ysabel Caldera) is actually the same Juan de la Torre that years later married Juana Gamboa Villalobos??
2. Pedro Carlos de Godoi mentioned in the document I think is one married to JUANA DE LA TORRE. Am i right?? I can't find another Pedro for those years

Please read the document and tell me what you think. I believe it is an important document…

