Is the Lorenzo Mejia (1) who married Mariana de Benavides and Josefa de Paez the same as the Lorenzo Mejia (2) who married Ines de Estrada?
Could it be Lorenzo Mejia married Mariana de Benavides (AKA de Aguayo) and had Matias and Juana Mejia, then married Ines de Estrada, then married Josefa de Paez?
Both Lorenzo Mejias had a Juana Mejia born before 1641. Both Lorenzo Mejias had a Jeronimo Mejia. Lorenzo Mejia (1) died sometime after 17 Oct 1677 and Lorenzo Mejia (2) died on 10 Aug 1683.
The Genealogía de Nochistlán antiguo reino de la Nueva Galicia en el siglo XVII según sus archivos parroquiales lists Lorenzo Mejia (1) as possible son of Lorenzo Mejia (2), but lists some discrepancies.
03 Mar 1635 Confirmations:
a) Juana Mejia daughter of Lorenzo Mejia and Mariana de Aguayo (possibly AKA de Benavides).
27 Aug 1638:
a) Lorenzo Mejia (2) marries Ines de Estrada.
20 Sep 1649 Padrones:
a) Two Lorenzo Mejias are listed. One is viudo and one is child (<5 year old).
b) Oldest son Matias Mejia is married so likely born < 1633.
c) Second oldest is Juana cc (likely born <1641).
d). Other children listed are with Ines de Estrada, so likely Lorenzo Mejia (2).
This is Lorenzo Mejia (2) since children with Ines de Estrada are listed together. and not son of Ines de Estrada but of Mariana.
12 Oct 1660:
a) Lorenzo Mejia (1), viudo of Mariana de Benavides, marries Josefa de Paez.
1664 Padrones:
a) Only one Lorenzo Mejia is listed. Viudo.
1667 Confirmations:
a) Jeronimo hijo de Lorenzo Mejia (1) y Josefa de Paez difunta
Oct 17 1677:
a. Antonio Mejia marriage. I read it as "Lorenco Mixia y de Josepha de Paez difunta esp^les", whereas reads it as "Lorenco Mexia y Josefa de Paez, difuntos;"
10 Aug 1683:
a) Burial record of Lorenzo Mejia (2) vuido. Lists Domingo Mejia and Antonio Gomez Borrallo.
17xx other dispensas in future:
a) Jeronimo Mejia listed as brother of children of Lorenzo Mejia (2) and Ines de Estrada
México, Jalisco, registros parroquiales, 1590-1979," database with images, FamilySearch (… : 28 June 2014), Guadalajara > Diócesis de Guadalajara > Matrimonios 1761-1762 > image 703 of 1313; parroquias Católicas, Jalisco (Catholic Church parishes, Jalisco).
México, Arquidiócesis de Guadalajara, registros matrimoniales, 1539-1939," images, FamilySearch (… : 20 May 2014), Dispensas matrimoniales 1737-1911 Caja 17 N > image 108 of 1136; Archivo Histórico de la Arquidiócesis de Guadalajara, Jalisco (Guadalajara Archdiocese Archives, Jalisco).
Lorenso Mejia who married Josefa de Paez was son of the other, born from his second marriage to Ines de Estrada. Here’s my notes on this family group:
Lorenso Mejía married twice. His first wife was Mariana de Aguayo, daughter of Diego de Aguayo and Gerónima de Benavides. Mariana de Aguayo died sometime before Aug 1638.
The children of Lorenso Mejía and Mariana de Aguayo are:
1. Matías Mejía Aguayo, d. 02 May 1700, Nochistlán, Zac; m. Dorotea de San Ignacio Juárez y Rodríguez.
2. Juan Mejía. Appears in the 1649 padrón, having confessed and received communion.
3. José Mejía Aguayo, c. 1663, Nʳª Sʳª de los Dolores, Teocaltiche, Jal; m. Magdalena de Islas Sandoval, 30 Sep 1664, Nochistlán, Zac.
4. Juana Mejía Aguayo, c. 03 Mar 1635, Nochistlán, Zac.
Lorenso Mejía married Inés de Estrada on 27 Aug 1638, in Nochistlán; their padrinos were Bernardino de Islas, and his sister-in-law, Josefa de Sandoval. The fact that one of their daughters used the surname Íñiquez and Íñiquez de Estrada, leads me to believe that Inés de Estrada might be a daughter of Jacome Íñiquez and María de Estrada, who were early settlers in Nochistlán, though I’ve been unable to verify it. Inés de Estrada died before 20 Sep 1649, as Lorenso Mejía is listed as a widower in the padrón of that year.
The children of Lorenso Mejía and Inés de Estrada are:
1. Nicolás Mejía Estrada, b. 16 Aug 1641, d. 29 Mar 1699, Nochistlán, Zac; m. Mariana de Islas Sandoval, 12 Oct 1661, Nochistlán, Zac.
2. Lorenso Mejía “el Mozo,” m. Josefa Páez Benavides, 12 Oct 1660, Nochistlán, Zac.
3. Leonor de Estrada, m. Miguel González de Espinosa, 09 Mar 1677, Nochistlán, Zac.
4. Cristóbal Mejía Estrada, d. 07 Oct 1679, Nochistlán, Zac; m. Inés de Islas Sandoval, 05 May 1667, Nochistlán, Zac.
5. Domingo Mejía Estrada, d. 24 Jun 1700; m. Regina Durán de Aguayo, 01 May 1677, Nochistlán, Zac.
6. María Íñiquez de Estrada, d. 03 Sep 1701; m. Antonio Gómez Borrayo, 08 Jan 1674, Nochistlán, Zac.
7. Paula Mejía de Estrada, d. 08 Aug 1696, Nochistlán, Zac. Soltera, hizo memoria.
I hope that helps!
Manny Díez Hermosillo
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Thank you for reply, but there are a couple of issues while they neither prove for or against that they are same or different individuals, they still need to be addressed.
1. Padrones 1664. There is only one Lorenzo Mejia listed, who is listed as viudo. So either they are the same or one is simply not listed for whatever reason.
2. Jeronimo Mejia. In two dispensas (link in original post) he is listed as brother to Domingo Mejia (who married Regina de Aguayo) and Maria Mejia AKA Iniguez (who married Antonio Gomez Borrallo). Jeronimo is not listed in 1649 padrones with Lorenzo (listed as viudo in 1649 padrones), Domingo, or Maria. Either both dispensas are wrong or Jeronimo Mejia was born after 1649 and is the half brother of Domingo and Maria. This is possibility because Lorenzo Mejia and Josefa de Paez had a Jeronimo Mejia.
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It’s been so long since I’ve worked on these lines, and it’s such a tangle with all of the duplicate & triplicate names and endogamy, that I don’t recall why I have these FG’s the way I do. But you’re absolutely right, the dispensas confirm this, and the marriage record of Lorenso Mejia and Josepha Paez says he was viudo de Mariana Benavides, whereas the record for the marriage to Ines de Estrada doesn’t say he was a viudo. But they are the same Lorenso Mejia: according to the dispensa for Lorenzo Garcia and Margarita Espinosa, Joseph Mejia cc Magdalena de Islas and Leonor de Estrada cc Miguel Gonzalez were siblings; Joseph hijo de Lorenso Mejia y Ana Aguayo was confirmed 29 Dec 1666; according to her marriage record, Leonor de Estrada was hija de de Lorenso Mejia y Ines de Estrada.
Here’s the dispensa for Xavier Mejia and Juana Maria Mejia, which establishes that Domingo Mejia was brother of Antonio Mejia Paez.
Lorenzo Mejia did marry 3 times and sired eleventy-nine jillion children - thanks for pointing that out!
That Juan Mercado cc Juana Mondragon dispensa is interesting:
Geronimo Mejia-1-Domingo Mejia
Petrona Mejia-2-Ygnes Mejia
Petra Martinez-3-Antonia Borrayo
- - - - - - - - - - - 4-Juana Mondragon
Geronimo Mejia-1-Maria Mejia
Petrona Mejia-2-Antonio Borrayo
Petrona Martinez-3-Antonia Borrayo
- - - - - - - - - - - 4-Juana Mondragon
This implies that Antonia Borrayo is the daughter of 1st-cousins Ygnes Mejia and Antonio Borrayo. I don’t think Antonio and Ygnes married - he might be the same Antonio Gomez Borrayo who married Mariana Gonzalez de Islas on 29 Jun 1707.
Manny Díez Hermosillo
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I descend from a branch of the Mexia family that left descendants in Jalostotitlan, Jalisco Mexico. This branch is a brick wall for me.
I descend from Francisco Xavier Antonio Jose Martin del Campo through both of his marriages. He was known as “Josesito” . His second marriage was to Maria Phelipa de Jesus Mejia on 15/Dec/1788 in Jalostotitlan, Jalisco, Mexico. Maria Phelipa de Jesus Mejia y Gomez is the daughter of Jose Manuel Mexia and Juana Antt. (Antonia) Gomez.
I have not been able to find any other information on Jose Manuel Mexia and Juana Antt. (Antonia) Gomez.
Rick A. Ricci
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Lorenzo Mejia