Jose Cresencio Bugarin

Recently someone asked a question regarding Cresencio Bugarin from Atolinga Zacatecas.   I can’t find the comment anymore but here is what I found:
Jose Cresencio Bugarin, born in the “rancho de  Laguna”,  born 19/April/1880 baptized on 26/April/1880 in Atolinga, Zacatecas. He is the son of Marcial Bugarin and Maria Huerta, paternal grandparents are Julian Bulgarian and Bacilia Hermosillo, maternal grandmother is Juana de Huerta .    His civil record names him Cresencio, while the baptismal record on that same date names him José Cresencio Bugarin.    Marcial also had children with Maria Weneslao Huerta.  The two Marias are not the same person.    Marcial Bugarin had children from at least three relationships.   The proof that the two Marias are not the same person is that they each have different parents.  

Rick A. Ricci