Nochistlan siglo XVII Archivos Parroquiales

We just unpacked from storage our copy of:

"Genealogia de Nochistlan, Antiguo Reino de la Nueva Galicia en el Siglo XVII segun sus Archivos Parroquiales."
Author is Jose Luis Vazquez y Rodriguez de Frias. This was privately printed in 2001, with more than 400 pages, and thousands of surnames in the index, and "data from Jalostitlan, Lagos de Moreno, Aguascalientes, Guadalajara, Teocaltiche, Tepatitlan, San Luis Potosi, Michoacan and more."


I would greatly appreciate it if someone would please help me interpret a name on a baptismal entry.  I'm trying to figure out the paternal grandmother's name:  Manuela ??  It's Zac, Zac, Sagrario