The benefits of sharing

I was present when someone, (an instructor) told a group of people that a family member had asked him for a copy of his genealogy and he responded by telling his relative that he was not going to give him anything because he had worked hard and had spent many years and a lot of money compiling his genealogy. This individual told the group that they should not share their genealogy either, "que les cueste a ellos también" were his words.

Igi Films

I just receieved notice that my films have arrived at the Family History Center. In the film section of this site, how does the indexing come up? Is it automatic or do I enter information that I have found? The center I went to said I could download the film if I bring my own memory device.

Another Son of Joseph Macias Valades and Catalina de la Vega

In addition to Mathias Macias Valades, whom I found by accident in a list of confirmations, and the children (Thomas, Josefa and Ursula) that you mentioned in your last message (under the Luiza Esparza Lozano or Luisa Esparza Lizalde-forum topic), I also have Juan, my 7X grandfather. Here is his info and of his children and grandchildren:

Familias de Cuquío , Jalisco.

Tengo algunos ancestros en Cuquío que me gustaría compartir para saber si ustedes tienen información sobre ellos. Yo desciendo del matrimonio de:

1.- Felipe Ortiz con Juana de la Barrera; padres de Francisca Ortiz de la Barrera casada con Juan Velásquez Sánchez en Cuquío el 07 de enero de 1721.

Romo De Vivar Aguascalientes

Hello My name is Erica I am trying to find any information on the following individuals if anyone has more information I would greatly appreciate it! If not I hope this information helps you. I do have more information on other siblings/children but I am still sorting through it to check it's accuracy this is just a direct line of my lineage.


For the last two years I have been working on putting together my mother's family history. It started out with an small idea and has grown into an extensive project. The printing of it became too expensive so I decided to go with a power point presentation format. This has allowed me to include many bells and whistles to the book and make copies for my family members. At first I wasn't sure of what to include so I did a "what to include list" and used that as my guide. Next, what did I have, need and what did I want to include... I wanted an interesting cover page for the book and then continued with a

Tello de Lomas and Sandi de Diaz Lines


I have been reading the posts on these two names, Tello de Lomas and Sandi de Diaz Lines, and wanted to know if anyone has information on my below ancestors. Below is info from book, "San Gabriel Valley Families of Nueva Galicia" which is incredible and I highly reccomend anyone to buy this book if they have note.

Genealogical Gem

Just found this gem:

Jose Ignacio Davila Garibi book, La Sociedad de Zacatecas en los Albores del Regimen Colonial, Actuación de los principales fundadores y primeros funcionarios públicos de la ciudad. This genealogical gem has family trees of Perez de Oñate, Zaldivar, Salazar y de la Cadena, Oñate y Salazar, Rivadeneira, Merida y Molina, Salazar y de la Cadena, Oñate y Rivadeneira, Adelantado Juan de Oñate y Salazar, Tolosa-Cortes-Moctezuma, Temiño de Banuelos, Medrano, Pardo de Lago, Ibarra y Castilla and Oñate-Banuelos-Medrano-Chavez-Moreno. Mexico, 1939, 140 pp., soft cover. Old $97.50.

José Joseph

Stuart, Are you saying that the actual entry in the church book states Joseph instead of Jose? That is weird, because I thought it only happened in entries that were transcribed (indexed?) by someone who took liberties. And yes, ph is Greek--I just taught Antigone by Sophocles. ABB

Transition in power

Saturday, Mar 21, 2009

Fellow Historians--

I have always been told that the fall from world power for Spain was in 1588 because of the Spanish Armada. Perhaps there are other opinions and perhaps it depends on which part of the world you got your history lessons from? Comments?


I would like to access copies of the Zacatecas records that you have compiled. I' m not sure if this is the correct procedure for communicating such requests. Thank you in advance, Raymond Medrano

como consigo datos de la parroquia, teniendo el número de film y de batch

He estado navegado en el sitio de familysearch y por fin logre encontrar los
datos de la partida de bautismos de mi abuela, pero solo trae el número de
film y de batch, me dice que es del d.f. pero no me da el nombre de la

Ana de Lizarrarás.

Alguien tiene información de Ana de Lizarrarás, quien fue madre de Desiderio Martín Gallardo.

Ayer buscando información sobre el matrimonio de Desiderio Gallardo y Jerónima de Torres, en Aguascalientes alrededor del año 1680, encontré un contrato de compra venta de una esclava entre Desiderio Martín Gallardo y Juan Altamirano de Castilla. En mencionado contrato se menciona que Desiderio adquirió a la esclava de parte de su madre Ana de Lizarrarás.

New GEDCOM with families from Jerez, El Segrario Aguascalientes, Cienega De Mata Jalisco, etc.

Hello everyone,

I'm a new member to this group, and I wanted to let you know I have uploaded my GEDCOM which includes over 6,000 names. A lot of this tree is from Zacatecas, Aguascalientes, and Jalisco.