Latest grandchild

My wife Gloria and I are still here, Xossef. You can't lose us that easily. We're slow but steady...como las tortugas. We don't have any great grandchildren yet. Our latest grandchild is Elena Lin, 8 months old. Her father is our youngest son, Eduardo Mateo Cancio DELGADO Calvillo. Her mother is Janeen Louie Wong, fourth generation Chinese-American. Elena's GGGGGGGGGParents are: Pedro de Campos and Xacinntta de Espinossa from Pinos, Zacatecas. I estimate their birth at 1660/1665. That's on my father's side. Gloria would have to do her own calculation for her side.

We are in Albany, CA. How does Elena get to Pinos? Here goes: Oxnard, CA (me)>Tepatitlan, Jal(dad)>Aguas, Ags(GP)>el Mesquite, Encarnacion de Diaz, Jal(married Garcia Espitia)>el Capulin, Jal>la Sieneguita, Jal>Lagos de Moreno, Jal(Espitia married De Campos)>Pinos. Considering that I have ancestors who were Piro, Chiricahua, Tepecan or , Basque and Gloria is half Puerto Rican including African, Taino, Basque and yet-to-be determined others...poor Elena will need a pamphlet to figure out exactly what kind of a "salad" she is. Fascinating...huh?

David Delgado, retired and beginnin to enjoy it.

-----Original Message-----
>From: Joseph Puentes
>Sent: Apr 1, 2006 4:25 AM
>Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Bueno ???
>is there anyone on the other end of this email?
>Did we lose all of you?
>I hate to stimulate conversation for the sake of conversation, but. . .
>. . .I really would appreciate you emailing back to the list if you get
>this message.
>If you get this message just click "reply" change the Subject and send
>me your favorite recipe for hand made Tortillas de Harina or tell me the
>name of your latest great grandchild who just happens to be a direct
>decendant of your GGGG grandfather from Los Altos de Jalisco or explain
>to me some of the unusual things that your parents did that might have
>been folklore and tradition coming from generations ago in Mexico. .
>.for example. . .Every once in a while my Mom would be doing her thing
>and suddenly she would in a hightened voice say, "Mijo vengase aqui." I
>would come to her and she would put her hand in my pocket and have this
>look of discomfort on her face. Well on the surface this would appear
>strange until you heard the "rest of the story." Seems that at these
>time of hurried action she would suddenly be struck with a big "itch" in
>the palm of her hand. . .it didn't happen often but when it did this was
>a "sign" to her that Money was near. So she would find her closest child
>and transfer that money into one of their pockets while at the same time
>suffering the discomfort of having the itch in her palm.
>Sounds strange, but my Mom would do things like that and to us it was
>So did any of your Mom's ever pass on their thoughts and traditions and
>beliefs via their "old country" way of thinking?


thanks to you and to all the others that have replied. I wanted to see
just a little response. . .I was having visions of everyone quitting the
Nuestros Ranchos group, but I can see that there is still a few getting
and replying to messages. Thanks.

Un abrazo a Elena Lin. . .what a wonderful story she will have to learn
about her history. Boy one day she will be 90 years old and think of her
Grandfather David and Grandmother Gloria and remember what a great gift
they passed on to her. . .the gift of her history. Our history is such
an important gift especially in times when some don't even know their

Saludos a la familia,


ps: wow I thought I'd google xossef and came up with next to nothing
other than this math professor. cool.

David P. Delgado wrote:

>My wife Gloria and I are still here, Xossef. You can't lose us that easily. We're slow but steady...como las tortugas. We don't have any great grandchildren yet. Our latest grandchild is Elena Lin, 8 months old. Her father is our youngest son, Eduardo Mateo Cancio DELGADO Calvillo. Her mother is Janeen Louie Wong, fourth generation Chinese-American. Elena's GGGGGGGGGParents are: Pedro de Campos and Xacinntta de Espinossa from Pinos, Zacatecas. I estimate their birth at 1660/1665. That's on my father's side. Gloria would have to do her own calculation for her side.
>We are in Albany, CA. How does Elena get to Pinos? Here goes: Oxnard, CA (me)>Tepatitlan, Jal(dad)>Aguas, Ags(GP)>el Mesquite, Encarnacion de Diaz, Jal(married Garcia Espitia)>el Capulin, Jal>la Sieneguita, Jal>Lagos de Moreno, Jal(Espitia married De Campos)>Pinos. Considering that I have ancestors who were Piro, Chiricahua, Tepecan or , Basque and Gloria is half Puerto Rican including African, Taino, Basque and yet-to-be determined others...poor Elena will need a pamphlet to figure out exactly what kind of a "salad" she is. Fascinating...huh?
>David Delgado, retired and beginnin to enjoy it.
>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Joseph Puentes
>>Sent: Apr 1, 2006 4:25 AM
>>Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Bueno ???
>>is there anyone on the other end of this email?
>>Did we lose all of you?
>>I hate to stimulate conversation for the sake of conversation, but. . .
>>. . .I really would appreciate you emailing back to the list if you get
>>this message.
>>If you get this message just click "reply" change the Subject and send
>>me your favorite recipe for hand made Tortillas de Harina or tell me the
>>name of your latest great grandchild who just happens to be a direct
>>decendant of your GGGG grandfather from Los Altos de Jalisco or explain
>>to me some of the unusual things that your parents did that might have
>>been folklore and tradition coming from generations ago in Mexico. .
>>.for example. . .Every once in a while my Mom would be doing her thing
>>and suddenly she would in a hightened voice say, "Mijo vengase aqui." I
>>would come to her and she would put her hand in my pocket and have this
>>look of discomfort on her face. Well on the surface this would appear
>>strange until you heard the "rest of the story." Seems that at these
>>time of hurried action she would suddenly be struck with a big "itch" in
>>the palm of her hand. . .it didn't happen often but when it did this was
>>a "sign" to her that Money was near. So she would find her closest child
>>and transfer that money into one of their pockets while at the same time
>>suffering the discomfort of having the itch in her palm.
>>Sounds strange, but my Mom would do things like that and to us it was
>>So did any of your Mom's ever pass on their thoughts and traditions and
>>beliefs via their "old country" way of thinking?