For those researching Huejucar and Calvillo, a long time ago I took the following note from "Historia del estado de Aguascalientes" by Agustin R. Gonzalez, Mexico 1881 [my translation]. Unfortunately I can't remember where I read or found the book:
Valle de Huejucar (Guaxucar, Huajucar), at or near Calvillo, Aguascalientes, was within the original limits of Xalpa (Jalpa) and became a community center for the surrounding haciendas early in the 18th century. pg 43
And from "Aguascalientes - Guia para visitar la Ciudad y el Estado" by Alexandro Topete del Valle, Ags. Ags, 1973:
"CALVILLO. Se inicio su fundacion como consecuencia del auto proveido el 18 de noviembre de 1771, por el senor Canonigo y Doctor don Manuel Colon de Larreaegui gobernador por 'sede vacante' de la Mitra de Guadalajara, que erigio el Curato o parroquia de 'S. Jose de Huajucar' (o "Guajucar') en el Valle del mismo nombre, segregandolo del de Tabasco, Zac., en terrenos que pertenecieron al antiguo rancho o hacienda, cedidos por el prominente vecino don Jose CALVILLO, en cuyo honor tomo su apellido como titulo, a partir de febrero de 1825." pg 22
Does anyone know which particular don Jose CALVILLO this one was? I've never been able to find out. Hope this helps.
Gloria (Calvillo)
Thanks for your reply, being that in the near future I will begin ordering films from both Aguascalientes and Jalpa, this definition of the Valle de Huejucar comes in very handy. Isn't Jalpa now in the jurisdiction of Juchipila and I have always heard it mentioned as El Canyon de Juchipila, the Canyon of Juchipila.
I will do a search to see if I can come up with this book by Agustin Gonzalez.
For those researching Huejucar and Calvillo, a long time ago I took the following note from "Historia del estado de Aguascalientes" by Agustin R. Gonzalez, Mexico 1881 [my translation]. Unfortunately I can't remember where I read or found the book:
Valle de Huejucar (Guaxucar, Huajucar), at or near Calvillo, Aguascalientes, was within the original limits of Xalpa (Jalpa) and became a community center for the surrounding haciendas early in the 18th century. pg 43
"CALVILLO. Se inicio su fundacion como consecuencia del auto proveido el 18 de noviembre de 1771, por el senor Canonigo y Doctor don Manuel Colon de Larreaegui gobernador por 'sede vacante' de la Mitra de Guadalajara, que erigio el Curato o parroquia de 'S. Jose de Huajucar' (o "Guajucar') en el Valle del mismo nombre, segregandolo del de Tabasco, Zac., en terrenos que pertenecieron al antiguo rancho o hacienda, cedidos por el prominente vecino don Jose CALVILLO, en cuyo honor tomo su apellido como titulo, a partir de febrero de 1825." pg 22
Does anyone know which particular don Jose CALVILLO this one was? I've never been able to find out. Hope this helps.
Gloria (Calvillo)
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Valle de Huejucar and Calvillo